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Could Trump Be Impeached After Midterms? How Could This Happen?

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 2

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I will believe it when I see it. Actually I would rather his election was seen as a cheat and found to be illegitimate, thus everything he has done would be undone immediately.


Perhaps but not convicted unless we get the Senate.


Impeachment, to be successful, takes a crime. Impeachment as a tool of distraction and obstruction is better than nothing. I'm betting on nothing this Tuesday, so let the drama begin! 🙂

Going to be some Mueller news. Roger Stone and WikiLeaks. I have had conversations with someone who is an old friend of Roger Stone and Paul Manafort - a Republican aide under Ed Meese, under Nixon who may have some insight on cooperation with Russia by the Trump campaign

@sassygirl3869 Even if something eventuates in connection to a person or people connected to his campaign, what the Left still doesn't 'get' is base supporters and newly acquired devotees ( benefiting from kept promises and producing for them personally) aren't going to be moved by any of it. Even if Trump himself was connected, bottom line is such "collusion" isn't criminal. Most people benefiting with increased prosperity for themselves and/or friends and relatives wouldn't care if SATAN (if he existed) himself brought about their prosperity. They'll STILL support him. Watch on Tuesday.


We gotta win the Senate 1st!

Varn Level 8 Nov 3, 2018
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