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Is it possible to have the posts show which category they are from or how to block a category?

MacTavish 7 Nov 3

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I'm curious about this too.

JimG Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

you can adjust notifications under settings in your profile. i don't think you can block a whole category. the posts show groups if any, but not categories -- i don't think that is adjustable in settings either. of course one filter would be just to click the categories in which you are interested. then you know all where all the posts there fit lol


What I meant was when the page first loads and I'm browsing the posts. Is there a way to see which category the post is posted under? i.e. If the post is political is there a way to see that it is a political post other than clicking on the post itself.
There's enough posts in that paragraph to build a fence.


Will be following this! Thanks for asking. I get WAY to many notifications.

Carin Level 8 Nov 3, 2018
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