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I'm really sick of people telling me to respect trump supporters and not call them names but to have respectful conversations.


If you actively vote to lock children in prison camps, take away LGBT rights, control women, and murder brown people, you do not deserve respect.

The nazi regime didn't start with genocide. It started with people saying "wait wait let's hear them out and respect their opinion"

I cannot and will not respect, listen to, or even tolerate nazis in any form. It is not up for debate.

If you support any of it, any at all, or even suggest I respect them, I will tell you to fuck off.

Even if you don't yourself believe you are a nazi, even if you only vote for the tax plans and don't actually support the racism and sexism and lgbt hindering, as long as you vote for people that do you are, in fact, a fucking nazi. End of story.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Nov 3

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You should get off your high horse and get a F-ing clue. You do realize that our government via the CIA has murdered, enslaved, oppressed, and over-thrown democratically elected government...all so you can have cheap gas, both under Republician and Democratic leadership. FDR (a democrat) in WWII incarcerated Japanese, Italian and German citizens, just b/c of their parents or grand-parents birth location. We forcefully occupied and annexed Hawaii, and today the native islanders live in extreme poverty. BTW...ever hear of the Trail of Tears? How about the countless Indian massacres, all in the name of manifest destiny. More recently we had the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Dakota Access pipeline incident...once again shitting on the treaties and promises made. How about Obama and civilian casualties from his enhanced drone program? JFK and the Bay Of Pigs ring a bell? Before you start spouting your moral superiority, you should really take a good hard look at the government you support. None of us are without blood on our hands as Americans, and your last sentence incriminates yourself along with all the others you want to label 'Nazi'. Our government is a lie and we are hypocrites; you support it just like those you seem to feel superior too. Yet because you care or identify with a small subset, people who don't vote like you think they should are pieces of shit while you maintain your's doesn't stink. The sad part is you actually think the democrats actually do anything significantly different behind closed doors.


Fuck off


I totally agree, but have a concern that I do not know what to do with. At the individual level you can either determine that the supporters do not have the mental power to think for themselves, or can be talked to and have facts change their beliefs. I have yet to meet any of the last category. As a group these people are extremely dangerous as we have come to see in the past two weeks especially. However to get past this political point someone, or we, are going to have to treat them civilly and with respect to show and teach them that they are not acting in their own interest. This will have to be done publically and point by point. I have not idea how we get past this point I just hope that Trump does not decide for retribution and try to start a civil war.


Well put. I couldn't agree more, recently having come to the same end. Brava.


There is a piece, somewhere (and I am unsure how to search for it, it just pops up every so often) about how polite society must actually be a skosh impolite or it breaks down. This is that dash of impolite that is necessary. The part that said "I respect you, and I am being as polite as possible but, STOP RIGHT THERE!" You in fact have to be a little bit rude or those who don't care will just step all over you, and your polite society.


I voted today. Straight Democrat ticket. Even if there was a race with only a Republican running I didn't vote for them.

Good. Same.

Great job! I mean...why the hell should you actually research the candidates and their platform, maybe vote on the character and qualifications of the person? Any person who votes down Republican party lines, just b/c they are republican is an idiot. Same goes for democrats...

@jondspen Ummm, who the fuck are you to tell me how I should vote? And how do you know that I DON'T know anything about all the Republicans on the ticket?


I agree whole heartedly and will add for those voting republican because of 'fiscal conservatism' the republican party has been looting and bankrupting this country for fourty years. Each time we've had republicans in charge the deficit has grown exponentially. Red states run on a deficit while blue states pull their own weight financially. The last time we had a republican congress and president we had the great depression. Republican finance policies are bad for the economy. Full stop.

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