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I lived on a Kibbutz in 1984/85, it was awesome!

AndiPandi 5 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Could you elaborate a bit. Would it be a good to implement the idea here, what was so awesome and would you recommend it for persons of interest and why?


I think this would be a good experience. I do have to admit I was so dumb that I had to look up what a Kibbutz was online before I answered. 🙂

That's ok, a lot of people don't know what it is. On the bright side, you learned something new today!


Cool-I worked on one when I was in college. Please feel free to check out our Jewish Cultural Group if you are interested.

Thank you. Do you remember the name of the Kibbutz? I was on Ashdot Ya'akov near Tiberius. Then I went to a Moshav in the Jordan Valley. Moshav Petza'el.

@AndiPandi The only one I remember was one I just visited Ayelet Ashahar in the Negev? The one I picked peaches on was between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. 44 years ago I'm sorry I don't remember the name of the kibbutz. I was in Gadna at 16on an Israeli army base in Serafim-near Tel Aviv. That I remember.

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