8 3

Well that was disappointing. I guess I don't live in the country I thought I did. It will take me some time to process this.

Bigwavedave 8 Nov 7

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BREAKING NEWS- Dr. Kim Schrier, pediatrician and Democrat, wins the competitive U.S. House 8th District race over Republican Dino Rossi.

Another Democrat win for the U.S. House of Representatives.

Dr. Schrier refuses to take PAC or National Rifle Association money. She is highly intelligent, eloquent, knowledgeable, personable and energetic.

I'm thrilled! Eighth District was heavily gerrymandered by Republicans to favor GOP candidates. We worked hard to get Dr. Schrier elected.


Science may have been one of the biggest winners in Tuesday’s elections. At least seven new members of Congress have science, engineering, math, technology or medical backgrounds and six kept their seats.

The Trump administration’s skepticism about climate change, proposed changes to health care and attacks on abortion rights and environmental protections started angering many scientists from the beginning — anger that brought thousands to the streets in 2017 for the March for Science across the country.

But others decided to run for office, and a new crop will take their seats in January. Among them are Joe Cunningham, who used his background in ocean engineering to campaign against offshore drilling. Cunningham, a Democrat, beat ardent Trump supporter Katie Arrington and will represent South Carolina’s coastal 1st District.



The results were a mixed bag. But for the first time in two years, I have a smidgen of hope and feel slightly encouraged. ?

A smidgen . Check.


I was encouraged yet somewhat disappointed. The good thing is that there with be a check on the tangerine tornado with the house going democrat. I was happy to see some more representative from Texas get a Beto bump. Beto had that coward Cruz shaking in his little cowboy boots.
We have to keep our heads up and keep progressing.

I really loathe little teddie cruz


As a liberal in the reddest of States, I am growing accustomed to disappointment. Especially on the local level. I will take the victories we did get & the ideas planted in the minds & hearts of people. A couple of these young candidates really shook up their opponents & planted the seeds of some really good ideas!

Della Level 6 Nov 7, 2018

@Shefree Me too - I really hoped that TN would show some serious signs of going blue - or at least purple.


The gays are here!!! the women are here!!! the POCs are here!! were slow but steady!! take some time and fight against the countries' problems!!!

we suck but it just takes some time!!! america will get better!!!


Good grief - how 'bout seeing the good side ? Dems have taken the House, and a record number of women and minorities were voted into office by a record number of voters !

No - it's not everything - but like turning the Titanic, the perverse direction we've been going in will take some time to change it's course ... we have to hang in the fight !

Lol well I see you are a glass half full person! My name is Eyore

@Bigwavedave Actually no - I never liked that glass full/empty analogy. Refill it , break it !
But it does help to see the whole picture.

@evergreen I wonder if it will take something much more dramatic ...

@Bigwavedave we'll see, won't we ?

@evergreen or not. The black Panthers never succeeded. Nor malcolm x.

@evergreen, @Bigwavedave

Democrats won full control of the House of Representatives. That was our goal.

The US just elected 8 new scientists to Congress, including an ocean expert, a nurse, and a biochemist. A record number of women were elected. That's huge!

Yes, I was disappointed that Beto O'Rourke and Andrew Gillum lost narrowly. But now they are national heroes and possibly future Democrat presidents.

Democrats won full control the levers of power in Colorado, Illinois, Maine, New Mexico, Nevada and New York.

Democrats swept key state legislative and gubernatorial races across the country Tuesday, ensuring that at least 45 million more Americans will live under unified Democratic governance of their states next year and opening the door for sweeping policy changes on issues such as health care and education.

The results mark a dramatic turnabout for Democrats, who had full control of just eight states prior to Tuesday’s elections. Republicans controlled 26 state governments, and 16 were split.


Very well said. We covered this in Politics last week - and how the US & British systems aren't really democratic, with the American system being the most flawed (based on the British one). In Scotland. we have a democratic system that is rejected by the UK as a whole.
Well done USA, keep at it and maybe try to get another major political party on the go too. In fact, get that ready for about 12 months time when I get to cover American politics in depth!

@LiterateHiker yes I read Huffington post and it was very upbeat. I just interpreted the data differently. I don't see Nancy Pelosi as an adequate foil to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump.

@Sofabeast @LiterateHiker I often need the input of silver lining people like you guys. I frequently fail to see the upside of situations in which I'm primarily feeling disappointed. Also "silver lining people" is a concession for "glass half-full types" that Sofabeast doesn't care for. 🙂

@LiterateHiker I know - I've been trying to point out the good stuff - and there is much to be happy about !

@Maindawg yes that's what I was saying. I am not sure voting is enough. They took up armed resistance to oppression and racism is resurgent. I know my history fine.

@Bigwavedave ...agree with
evergreen-checks and balance is
being restored; the radical direction
has been curtailed///after some damage
assessment a return to reality
will begin-Governor ships alone show
the country as a whole will not stand for his
high-handed shinannigins .Penna. started...

@Bigwavedave, @Sofabeast ...thanks

...a while-in the mean time I hope
we can keep free & objective reporting
at the forefront because of the level
of dishonesty at the TOP


Why is it a surprise? It's been going on forever, and the most recent time was just 2 years ago.

I thought everyone stayed home and held their nose two years ago. I think people voted this time.

@Bigwavedave A number of people voted for trump simply because he was NOT a career politician and for some reason they seemed to think that would be enough to bring about some positive change. ???? I never could figure out how they could possibly think a reality TV game show host would actually be able to bring about any positive changes - unless he had surrounded himself with the best, brightest, most highly qualified people in their respective fields. But, alas, that was not to be - instead he brought in people who were unqualified at best - and some who publicly avowed to do away with the very agency they were picked to head. So in the end - what we saw (rambling idiot) is exactly what we got. 😟

@Lavergne agree(Shwartsenager in CAL.)
Rump politisisized the office- doing favors
for those who enabled him;de-valuing
the country's standing world wide=
it's not sustainable

@Lavergne true dat

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