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So in reference to the future battle of Armageddon that will occur between Christ army and the armies of the Anti Christ..... I have a couple of concerns.

This battle will occur on horses. This battle will occur on FLYING horses. Go ahead and let that sink in. Will these Christians have training prior to the battle to ride on a flying horse?! I mean that's not something you just do off the cuff. That will take tremendous skill and bravery. Executing a aerial attack while riding a thoroughbred is not for the faint of heart and will require fitness and acute battle skills. Can you visualize Joel Osteen or Pat Robertson kicking ass on a flying horse?

The scriptures also state that ALL of these horses will be white. FACT: There are only 58 million horses in the world and only a small fraction of those are white. Fact: There are 2.2 billion Christians in the world. We have a math problem here people.
Does this mean some Christians will be forced to fly on a Pinto or Buckskin colored horse instead? Will this be considered a demotion in ranks for 'lesser' Christians? Will some need to fly on cows or donkeys because of the horse shortage? Or maybe there is a celestial pasture somewhere holding a couple billion white horses specifically for this battle? The logistics are driving me crazy!

Jangurd78 6 Nov 8

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There's few seconds of my life I will never get back. Don't even want to know if this was meant as a joke. It would've been nice a small disclaimer at the top: "Continue if you have nothing better to do. This is a waste of time. You have been warned. Continue at your own risk"

I'm just getting started partner. Thanks for reading.?

@Jangurd78 No worries, I'll know better next time. I usually rant about something or someone just once.


You got me laughing there made my day and gave me a future post idea or multiple to be determined


According to the Equine Fraternity, and my daughter who was so into horses, WHITE horses are not naturally occurring, they are bred by humans and classed as being gray except for one variety, that being the Lippetzana ( the spelling is probably wrong here btw) horses who are deliberately bred to produce actual pure WHITE offspring only, and there aren't enough of those around for the Xtians to ride into the Battle of Armageddon anyway.
So those who expect to be seated upon white horses will be riding gray horses anyway, kind of like their assertions that the great Battle will occur being in very very gray area as well.

And here we have the scientific explanation. Yes!


i'm not christian so i will hop onto a pinto pony and trot off in the opposite direction.


Safest bet.

@MezzaVoce i once rode a pinto pony named rosa up a pretty steep welsh hill. i am a timid rider and must have shown my feelings on my face, for the trail leader came up to me and casually said "the pony doesn't want to fall off the mountain either!" that did make me feel better 🙂)

i was equally gratified, come to think of it, that the trail leader didn't add "and god will watch over you" or recommend that i pray rofl rofl



I can just picture it, all the gun happy evangelicals taking each other out for the chance to get a horse.

Bang bang!!


I thought that you were a Christian fanatic. Instead you are funny. Thanks.

Your welcome.?


Wait, what? We get white horses? Sorry atheists, I’m joining Christianity! I want my white horse!

White flying horses, where do we sign up?

I mean, who wouldn't want a flying white horse?


Maybe they bring down more white horses. Actually I'd think if the horses fly they'd need to modify the current horses but since they need to bring a lot anyhow, why don't they just bring down all new pegasuses for everyone to ride, I mean god doesn't have limitations from what I hear.

Now I'm wondering if I get a flying horse and am I forced to ride it? I'd be much happier on the ground picking people and pegasuses out of the air. Now I'm wondering how the horses fly? An airplane drops out of the air if you knock out the propulsion, do these horses even HAVE wings or am I assuming this is some sort of "natural" adjustment by god. I mean a horse even if you give it wings isn't really made for flying with its bone or muscle structure so you'd have to alter that further. It's going to have a hard time making aerial maneuvers unless it gets some kind of rear modified fin appendage.

Now I've got questions.

Well played sir. I like the way you think.?


So.....That's your issue with the Armageddon as written of in the Bible? That's the detail that stands out as a flaw in logic?
Well your probably right. But wouldn't untrained Christian's gain some sort of faith based courage with jesus leading the charge? I'd assume they would have no fear because if they fall in battle. I mean both figuratively and actually . If they fall and die in this battle. I've assumed what the vast majority probably has throughout history. That your savior will gladly resurrect you after the battle. Every general tells their troops they are destined to win. I'm sure the big guy probably means to do that if he survives this second death. There's this thing between God and he. Only the father knows how many lives he gave jesus. Depending on how badly jesus want to win. Verses how badly he actually want to live. He may start to get a little sketchy after the first 15 or 20 slaying bee demonic forces. . He is really just a hippy in a robe who at best carries a staff of wood. Not to hard for demons with claws and teeth.
In my professional opinion . Jesus will be paying loose attention to the amount of times he's dying after about 30. At 50 he may attempt to measure if his side has fling more than half the enemy forces yet. It is of course, knowledge that God works in whole numbers he likes round numbers especially so if you just have the number of life is going to be 100. He knows his father. Who doesnt start out to deceive. He is straight forward about being a dick. This is not rude speaking because man's rules for bad or good don't apply to God killing or me pointing out he is a dick. Effectively it's just another way to say show the asshole some fearful respect so he doesnt smite you.
Now as I was saying. Jesus will likely guess his lives equal a hundred since birth. He will start the battle with 99. I imagine that he will get very cautious when there are fewer than 20 left. It's well proven that jesus knew he was to be used and that his only purpose was to fulfill his purpose.
Translated. That statement means that God doesnt have to care if he makes it through the battle. Only that he win. Jesus has told me a few times in confidence. That he knows with a full heart that his father will show no emotion as jhis sons life breath goes out for the last time. Not a snowball's chance in hell that his dad loves him enough to add additional lives for his only begotten son. Jesus is so bitter about never getting even one life for his own self. And his father's extreme comfort with doing other things casually while jesus suffers.
Has made jesus refer to himself as his only forgotten son


Clever sarcasm! You forgot the aliens that spooged their DNA into volcanos which gave rise to humanity throughout the earth according to L.Ron Hubbard. I think these aliens will join the fight in order to save the Sea Org. But which side will they join? Que the twilight Zone music as you ponder that!

You had me at alien spooge. Lol!!

Good to see another fellow player on here. I make my way down to Florida semi often. Maybe we can get up and jam sometime.✌️


I should not have gained all this weight. I'll probably get assigned to the pot luck table dishing out 3 bean salad again and getting shit on by horses. This sucks.



I wouldn't worry about it. The devil is in the details.

Don't happy.


If nothing else, it should be exciting.


I'm planning on sitting it out; go to an Indian restaurant and bar and enjoy a good meal with unconcerned others while it plays on CNN.

I can hear Don Lemon now. Lol


Its a fairy tale. So the battle will happen when education rationalizes it within their heads/hearts

Not because people on both sides will die



Well, to play devil's advocate, the apologists would probably just claim that "flying horses" translates to fighter planes as such things weren't available or known back in the day. History has shown that the faction who controls the sky often controls the battle. This applies to Midway, Flash Gordon, and Obi Wan vs. Anakin.

Good observation.


But what about the zombie dragons???!!!!??!!

They can come too!


It is all crazy nonsense and you will only end up hurting your brain by trying to make any sense of any of it, My advice is....this life we have is too short to clutter up our thoughts with such gibberish, just don’t even try. Go and enjoy your life in the enlightenment of logic.

I guess I like hurting myself. Lol

@MezzaVoce Not a clever idea!


Roflmao! Excellent questions!

There's so many questions...

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