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This is just wrong.

RobertMartin 8 Nov 9

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SMFH at pure stupid. FACT check is sooooooo easy.


You mean it's wrong as in "not true", right? Please say you know it's BS.

Anymore, I don't know what or who to believe. As long as my life isn't adversely affected, I'm good with whatever is going on.

@RobertMartin , found this ... []

@comfortcomfort Why?


You are right. It is wrong. There isn't a shred of truth in it. Good observation.


Yes, the meme is so wrong...factually, this is not even close to being the IIRIRA your memes before posting ... spreading such ignorance is....well, ignorant...our federal assistance program is abused more by our own people, mainly poor and white...


On so many levels you wouldn't believe......

Why are people so lazy that they continue to post this sort of complete bullshit.

In the interest of making lemonade - I think the refutal of the piece posted by others here hopefully helps others (if not the OP) to be a bit better educated about such memes. And that is a step in the right direction.


I used to complain I had no shoes, til I met a man who had no feet.

I used to complain about having no hair, until l saw a man with no head! ☺

@Sticks48 well played ?


I call bullshit.

It is....the top figure actually comes from Canada and represents a one time payment to legal refugees to help them get established. Yet is used here to represent America (wrong), recurring (wrong), and for those here illegally (wrong). (See Snopes link below for details)


I agree


As @maxhyde points out below - totally wrong. So wrong, I thought I was in the Memes folder rather than the politics folder.


Yep it actually factually wrong.
Illegal refugess get absolutely nothing...because they are illegal.
WTF do a quick search before posting viral hoaxes.


Thank you. I get so tired of people believing this type of shit.


I totally agree. Too many are more concerned in helping others than in maintaining the citizens of the countries they live. Unfortunately, this issue is turning more and more countries to the right. We refuse to see the effect excessive immigration has on a nation.

Except there isn't an ounce of truth in it. Read all of the above.

@Sticks48 I have read it but that doesn't make it right. I have had experiences and learning to tell me how things are in reality. This is not about emotion but looking at things from a stance of reason. My late partner once asked her 2nd graders what is more important people or dirt? No one or community can be more important than the system which sustains it. When our border laws fail us everyone (outsiders and citizens get hurt).

@JackPedigo That has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the meme is a lie. Stay on subject.

@Sticks48 Okay I will admit I am not sure about where the numbers came from. But, I have studied population growth and immigration trends for 25+ years and know there are a lot of costs people don't know about. Also, my late partner, an immigrant, Worked in the Seattle school system in an international school. I know the basic facts of the costs involved in assimilating immigrants. For example, there are over 150 different languages spoken in this school system. Hiring IA's, translators, printing material in all the different languages and on and on has drained so much money from the system that money is being taken away from special ed. I would hear amazing stories from my partner on a weekly basis. Sorry for my heave handedness but this is a touchy subject for me. We must base important policies on emotion but evidence based reasoned rules.

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