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What do you think about the ideas linking patterns of thinking to being a follower of religion and/or believing in deities? The concept of authoritarian people who seem to have these more sensitive fear reactions to things being more inclined to cleave to a belief system which promotes ideas of overall control. I’ve seen it linked to a preference for conservative political ideology.

Carlita 5 Nov 10

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I think we need to be careful about making over-generalizations and stereotypes. Recent Pew studies show that hardline, authoritarian political conservatives constitute only a small fraction of traditional religious groups, and they are only five percent of the general population.

There is a certain type of person who craves control and power. Those people tend to infiltrate all organizations, not just religious organizations. Sometimes they serve useful purposes to the group.

In any event, psychoanalyzing your opponent is not a valid argument in a debate.


It's a pretty well established link. Sensation seekers tend towards liberalism, security seekers tend towards conservatism. These aren't fixed attributes, however. There's been studies that show that if you scare people, they become more conservative, and conversely if you make people feel safe and secure they tend to be more liberal.


I remember when Reagan and friends invited the religious into the GOP. It all got real crazy ever since.


you are right. some people will literally sell there souls for christianity. sound deal sin all you want, then ask for forgiveness , it will be granted. is it linked to political control, and brainwashing. i think so!


can only try who knows

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