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I have written lyrics for a song. Can anyone please set it to music?

Noyi 6 Nov 12

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I'd give it a go if I can interpret your meaning. I've done this before and it requires that I know what you mean. Otherwise I would interpret and place my musical interpretation. If you are willing to do the work I'll help with the composition. Please DM me and we'll get started.

Thank you so much. It's kind of you. I'll dm it shortly.


I think that usually the music is written first.

Actually, it really depends. I've had song lyrics way before I knew what to do with them. In fact, some song lyrics have ended up in other songs I wrote or another purpose. I may be working on a song/lyrics, realize I don't like them together, and try something else. It just kind of does what it wants.

@Benthoven Even if you can't compose music you should at least to hum a bit to give someone an idea about where to go with the tune.

Lyrics are a poem until the music is added.

I can imagine Annabel Lee as both a ballad and a Rap

A Rap Version would actually probably kick ass.

@BufftonBeotch: I've met people who can't play an instrument but can write some pretty good songs.

As to poems and lyrics, I don't really label them, since lyrics follow a different schedule than poems. Bohemian Rhapsody is an example of how lyrics wouldn't make a poem. Lyrics, even the poetic ones, are still words looking for a melody, whereas it would be very difficult to put most poems to music. Although, MC Lars did a really fun version of The Raven by Poe.

@Benthoven Just thinking it would be very difficult to put a strangers words to music in a way that satisfied either one of you.

@BufftonBeotch: I think you're right. Unless you know each other, it's a challenge. You have no idea all the incidentals that made up those lyrics.

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