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Melania Trump Publicly Calls For Firing of Mira Ricadel -Deputy National Security Advisor to John Bolton

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 13

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I find it totally funny that she was hired by Bolton and fired. Great move. The swamp has to be cleared I do not care how.


She is a yahoo like her husband.


Just more shit circus antics for brain dead Americans. This cess pool in the WH just keeps burping up toxic gas.


He never shuts up, she maintains silence, except to abuse an employee......huh, they Do have something in common. Who knew it was nastiness?


She is just as detestable as her piece of shit husband.
Melania's just mad at Ricardel because she (Ricardel) has the temerity to call Melania out on her extravagances while traveling overseas.
Neither she, nor that orange scumbag she's married to, should be allowed to access social media, ever.

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