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So I was crossing the road. I was in this side. And the guy was in the other side. It wasn’t a crowdy crossing. At that very moment no car was passing by. But the “walk” sign was still not showing up. There were two, three more passers by just came to the other side of the crossing. I decided to cross the road and the other guy decided not to as he was waiting for the “walk” sign. I broke the traffic rule. But it’s trivial as most will deem to be done as you can’t see any car within hundreds of feets chasing towards the crossing. The passers by who just reached also followed me and we crossed. But the guy was still waiting for the “walk” sign to show up. I’m pretty sure the thought of crossing road has passed through his mind too. But he was adament to not break the rule. Even when the people behind him left him behind, he didn’t move. I wasn’t sure whether it was me or the people from his side made him more determined to not cross the road. If there weren’t people from his side crossing with me, would he attempt to cross after I finished crossing? Was it that he just couldn’t cross the road after me because he already has shown the others that he is following rules and now if he breaks the rule, it makes his prior abidance of the rule questioned. Is it the observer effect of some sort? Then I thought a lot of other social scenarios where you probably would break the rule if there weren’t any to observe you. Or is it that the guy was just lazy and cautious and that’s what we are expected to do and I have just plenty of time to think.. Rules are there for a reason. I feel grey.

AnandaKhan 6 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Some people feel rules were meant to be broken, some people don't. I would say that's all there is to it.


Mabey he's socially awkward and didnt know how to change gracefully once he made the commitment. Mabey he isn't from the city and doesn't know the norms. Could be anyting. Did he cross when the sign changed?
I think I would have at least crossed once the people around me did

MsAl Level 8 Nov 13, 2018

I guess there's a sort of psychological intertia that can keep someone behind when they make a decision, even when not the best one.


I cross streets when I won't get hit by a car or bus.

The signs mean nothing.


I have nothing to add except interesting observation. Maybe you should have made it into a poll - to cross or not to cross...

Good idea.


What color was his skin? Reports of police stopping and frisking for this shit.

And: i didn't cross for three signal changes because i was exchanging messages.


I have survived bears, extreme weather, and so many other things. City signs are one of many things I notice, but use my judgement on.

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