Are you a better person [in your own terms],since joining - or do you find it difficult to judge or just don't care?
This you are reading was posted on 16th Nov. The original post was intending to compare the changes to our members that result from membership of with other social media, like Facebook etc. It IS difficult to define "better person". I really did not intend to imply that just being in the site actually improves one. IMO this site does improve us even if you don't notice but some people did report satisfying changes. I wonder if anyone has de-registered from the site in order to improve themselves? We shall never know.
Better person.. No. As someone who doesn’t know anyone in real life who’s agnostic or atheist, it’s really been the first time I’ve been able to engage with people like myself. I’ve been able to learn more about myself but my core belief system is unchanged.
I didn't join "to becomes a better person". I joined because I felt it might be a haven for the Atheistic/Agnostic. So far, so good.
Just wondering - you do not have to reply - what would be your terms or idea of being a better person?
why in the world would joining a social media site make me a better person? why would the opposite of that be either finding it difficult to judge or not caring? i don't understand the reasoning behind any part of this question. i am already a good person. i joined so i could have a decent conversation and not be told i'm going to hell, or get prayed for, or be told atheism is a religion. what in the world has that got to do with becoming a better person?
I didn't join to become a better person, just to find interesting conversations with new (and presumably at least partially like-minded) people - therefore I don't believe I'm a better (or worse) person as a result of joining.
Plus I'm a relatively new member - you guys haven't had much of a chance to improve me. yet ?
I am not trying to make you a better person but am interested in finding out whether by some 'magic which we do not actually understand belonging to this site makes you somehow Better ( or worse e.g. more frustrated) . People are saying that being on Facebook makes you a worse person and we have to do something about that - or somebody does.
I am who I am.I have reached a stage in life where if people don't like me, I really don't care .Their loss , not mind .I have endured too much crap in in the past , to give a rat's ass.
This is sad but you of course have every right to feel and think as you do. You are not alone.
@Mcflewster I have no reason to feel sad..I am surrounded by the people who matter to me...
I don't think I'm better for joining this social media site, but I strive for self improvement every day. Some days I get better results than other days.
I like that response. I subscribe to the self improvement movement myself...
Well this IS good.
No. I’m still as pedantic, self-obsessed and irritating as I’ve always been. Just ask the wife!
I can’t see how joining would make anyone a better person, and find that notion curious. As far as I am concerned the answer is, no I don’t think joining has made me a better person, and no I don’t find it difficult to judge. Finally, I care about many things, but not whether I notionally could be a better person by joining this site.
People make other people better people but of course they can use deeds which are better than just words
I did not join to become a better person. I've always strived to be a decent caring person.
I am not sure how I know it but I feel you are
I've only recently joined, but I have felt a stronger sense of community in the few days I've been active. Sometimes we can be an island in vast sea of religious people... and seeing all the posts and comments really helps me to be more passionate about my lack of support for religious endeavors. I've never gotten into Facebook or the other platforms because most of the people in my life are very religious, and I could never really be myself in such venues.
This is really good to read