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Baptism is the washing away of original sin.
Original sin is knowledge.
Baptism is brainwashing.

DJVJ311 7 Nov 15

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It coudl also be looked at as "dumbing down".


Baptism is the only way I could get into the church's hot tub.


I see what you did there


That is correct.


You can call original sin knowledge if you want to but this is not exactly true. According to the fable in Genesis, Eve was talked into eating a fruit that gave her knowledge and she also made Adam eat. God was not pleased and had told them not to eat of that tree. It makes you wonder why the tree was in the garden to begin with.

Evangelicals claim we all have "original sin" and it breaks down like this. Adam and Eve had to live a very long time for us have enough people on earth to populate the planet. Genesis claims they had advanced age in those days and the conclusion of population is incest. That's right. The all knowing perfect god had his earth populated through INCEST. All the serpent did was help impart knowledge to god's creation. Baptism is the symbolic washing away of all of this, but that came much later.

Hate to nitpick a fairy tale, but Eve didn't "make" him eat it. She said, "here, want a bite? It's really sweet" and he said "yeah, sure. Why not."

@pashaonenine Thanks for the correction. You are right. Eve wanted to share her knowledge with Adam and he agreed to it.


Cleanliness is next to godliness, a synonym for ignorant and delusional.

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