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Safe spaces.

As an strong advocate for free speech, I am dismayed when opposing ideas are deplatformed or disinvited (especially on college campuses). I found the following comments by Van Jones more eloquently expressed my thoughts on the matter.

RPardoe 7 Nov 19

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I've found myself disinvited to a few threads on this very forum when my very slightly more conservative views apparently conflicted with the OP. How could I tell? Because I had a notification of a reply, which I couldn't read because "the thread was made private".

In my book, opening up a topic means you've opened yourself up for replies, whether you like those replies or not. Not everyone is going to agree with you. If you just want to hear your own opinions back, try an echo chamber


I think people are confusing the right to speak with somehow having the right to an audience.


I am a strong advocate for a battle of ideas. A demagogue should be allowed to speak on a college campus only when he or she faces an opposing speaker who can and will truly debate him or her.

A demagogue for which side?

Many would contend that campuses are dominated by the liberal viewpoint and need conservative opposition... except for places like Bob Jones "University", which is the opposite...

A demagogue is a demagogue -- a person who espouses extreme ideology, using dogmatic and irrational reasoning without substantive proof or grounding real logic. That is far, far more common on the extreme right.

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