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The feel-good story of the day!!!


KKGator 9 Nov 21

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I had recently read an article about this island and the inhabitants. There is a huge warning about not going there. Sort of proves religion makes you nuts or the guys just likes a challenge?!?! 🙂


Was he psychotic? He got his inspiration from some fictional character? When are we going to learn to let other cultures be themselves. Stop trying to force our beliefs on other people. He had no business there.

He had no business there, and he suffered the consequences for his hubris and delusions.

@KKGator no business being there at all. Americans need to stop forcing their way of living on other cultures

@Livinlife Not just Americans. Mostly religious missionaries do that through the ages. And not only the Christian missionaries.

@Gert thats true. Its unfortunate that it happens at all.


It's a timely reminder during this time of year to not consider giving scissors, safety pins, and footballs as gifts


Feel good? That's a little harsh.

"Harsh" is a relative term. Especially when the guy is responsible for his own demise.

@KKGator Well, in the end he probably didn't feel good at all.

@Gert Serves him right. I don't feel bad about that.

@KKGator I can't disagree with that.

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