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I just found out that my brother, who was in hospice care, died last night. When I say brother, let me explain--we met when I was 5, and have been best friends ever since. He had a hard life with an alcoholic father who was married 6 times, and the last wife murdered him when Geary was 16. He lived with us off and on growing up, though he was never officially adopted. I could go on and on, because there was nobody like him. I knew it was coming, but didn't think it would be this soon. I don't mean to be a sympathy hound, I just needed to get it off my chest, since I'm here alone.

Tomfoolery33 9 Nov 23

Enjoy being online again!

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The body dies - but the memories linger for as long as you treasure them. That is the real after-life.

True. Thank you.


Who says u r alone ? We are all here , even if just words .
Your friend it was your brother . Good friends are family .
Coffee cheers to the memories , and , he will live as long as u remember him w a smile .
I hope u rest tonight and take a big breath .

Thank you.


That's your brother. No explanation needed. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a brother is a deep hurt.



My sympathies for your loss. It is never easy and will take time to get through. Maybe take some time and write down some stories of times you shared that you can pass down... So those times stay alive. Others may enjoy them and it may be cathartic for you to remember and write.

Just a thought!

Thanks. I'm planning on doing that very thing.


Vent all you need, Tom. You have my sympathy.

Thank you.


You have us, even if it is online.

Thanks. And I know I have you guys to talk to.


Consider yourself soundly hugged.

That is so hard. A sibling of the heart for certain.



I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you.

Thank you.


So sorry about your brother and your loss. Good you reached out and let us know. Be good to yourself and know it will hurt less as time goes by. Keep talking to us.



Sometimes everyone needs some gentle love. Today is that day. Hugs from me. Be kind to yourself my dear

Thank you.


So sorry for your loss. Hang in there.



Please let us mourn with you. Your brother deserves it. And you need support.

Thank you. I'll be posting more about him later.

@tnorman1236 GOOD! Do that!


I am so very sorry for your loss. Hugs

Thank you.


So sorry for your loss.



Oh, how horrible! Im so sorry! Please vent whenever you like. You have support here

Thank you. Yes I know there is support here, and I appreciate it.


Sorry for your loss, you have the memories!

BillF Level 7 Nov 23, 2018



To mourn in silence,is the hardest thing to do,you should seek some counseling,I did,it helped when my wife of 27 years passed away last Sept,2017.

Thank you. And sorry for your loss.

@tnorman1236 My stepson and I donated her body to science,receiving her ashes in about a months time,they wanted at least $4000 for a funeral..... So,I've got some ashes and my stepson has some also.


So where you two not in contact in his later years?

Yeah, we've always been in contact. I was just there to see him two days ago.


I'm so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a great guy who never deserved anything like that. I hope you can smile again soon.

Thank you.


My condolences

Thank you.


ENORMOUS HUGS in here! I'm so sorry!'re not alone there...we're here!

Thank you.


Dude, so sorry. That sucks.

Loss, even when expected, often hits HARDER than expected. Take time to allow your grief to flow like it ought to.

Thank you.


Sorry for your loss, it is harder to lose someone that you are really close to than some blood family members.



friend and a brother... double loss. Sorry for your loss

Thank you.

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