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I was reading an article that suggested there may be a confirmed genetic basis for male homosexuality.
What do you think confirmation of this could mean?

Amisja 8 Nov 23

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My actual thoughts on this article were that if there is a confirmed genetic least for the predisposition, genetic testing could identify the presence of these genes in utero, would that make a difference? Either the deeply religious would have to decide medical termination was acceptable or that being gay is. Again let me strongly advise...THESE ARE NOT MY VIEWS.


I don't think it will do much change the attitude toward homosexuality among the groups which are strongly opposed to it. There are people who believe in a flat, 6000 yr old earth and those who refuse life saving medical treatment because of their early religious training. Presenting evidence to the contrary seems to have little impact on the outlook of those who are indoctrinated when young.

According to these articles, there are likely hormonal factors at here. It's not difficult for me imagine people choosing deliberately alter the hormonal balance of the mother during gestation in order later impact the sexual behavior of the child. It's a brave new world.



I have read similar articles and maternal hormones do seem to play a part.


There are confirmed physiological basises for all differences in sexuality. No big deal. Like different eye color , hair. Homophobia is ridiculous, as well as harmful.


Religious fantatics won't accept anything that is based on scientific evidence. They will hide behind the Bible. Each to their own. I accept everyone's personal beliefs.

Trod Level 5 Nov 23, 2018

Wouldn't make a difference to the Xians. They'd still claim it's a choice made by people who want to sin, Proof, facts, evidence, and science mean nothing to people who believe in invisible magical superbeings in the sky.


Hope this isn't too off topic but in turtles et al temperature determines gender. I recall an article somewhere where researchers were racing to balance the ratio by bringing some indoors into AC or something. []
Also including something I saved to investigate later.


I'm sure that the catholic church will make an exception and be in favor of genetic manipulation to "cure" people of homosexuality.

Now then, thats what I was wondering


To me? Nothing. There doesn't need to be a genetic explanation for why everyone should be respected.

There are still idiots out there that think it's a choice though. This helps prove the point that's not the case.


Our law abiding gay citizens are harmless. All of this is just a silly waste of time.

I still find it fascinating that we might understand our selves better from all this knowledge.

What is?


Not much, in a sociological sense.
The genes probably had/have a use in helping group survival, by allowing extra help to be available. They may yet be useful in helping over-population control. What would make an interesting study would be the investigation of factors like population density versus food availability on sexual orientation. Perhaps you should try to influence your star students into conducting such research.
Females too may have similar predispositions. Not enough research has gone into this aspect.


It means that people who hate gays will still hate them


I'm reading a book at the moment that says schitzophrenia, autism and especially homosexuality have to do with brain lateralisation, that is, how the two sides of the brain exercise their abilities to affect each other. If true, I think it would be difficult to think of homosexuality as immoral, or at least that the desire is immoral.

There are a lot of factors at work, including hormones in utero

@KittiPerry I wouldn't doubt it. I just wanted to add my tuppence worth!


Why only male?

The article is about male sexuality.

Not only male


"Confirmed genetic basis" is a bit of an overstatement. They found some genes that show a bit of a higher correlation with homosexuality. I wouldn't read too much into it. This subject is quite complex and obviously can't be reduced to genes alone.

Dietl Level 7 Nov 23, 2018

I think I said 'maybe'

I disagree by the way. I think male homosexuality is likely to have an epigenetic basis. Female homosexuality, I have a different view on. My question was less about any potential cause as what it could potentially mean if there is, genuinely interested in people's opinions

@Amisja What exactly do you disagree with? Do you think that genes alone determine sexuality?

@Dietl We are mammals and virtually our entire being is based on our biology. However, again this isn't what I asked. My personal beliefs are irrelevant, what am I asking is if this would make any difference to global views on homosexuality.

@Amisja I agree that our biology is important but wouldn't you say that there are other factors?
I see that your original question was different and I think that it's a good question but you made some claims now and I'd like to know what you meant. But it's okay if you don't want to have this conversation now.

@Dietl You want to know my views? I believe human beings are like all other mammals and sexuality is a spectrum. I do believe there is a genetic basis. I do not believe sexuality is a choice. I also believe there is a sound biological adaptational advantage to there being gay people around. I tend to believe that female sexuality is more fluid. These are my views and have nothing to do with my original question.

@Amisja I also don't believe that sexuality is a choice. I'm not sure we really disagree on anything so let's leave it at that.
For your original question, again, I don't think there is any dilemma with have to face right now. In the future it might be different when we actually have the ability to modify the genes of our babies for instance. In that case the existance of genes that make you more or less likely to be gay could play a role for bigoted parents. They might want to change their baby to be less likely to be gay. I'm not sure what can/should be done about that but it would definitely be a moral dilemma.

I don't think there is enough evidence yet to prove that homosexuality is genetic. I also don't think it's a conscious choice. It may be due to the subconscious, perhaps because of choices or things that happen at a very young age. And, maybe there are different reasons for different people. As far as what it means, I don't think it matters much, at least to me. I have a male cousin that is homosexual. Many of my close family members thought that he was before he realized, or at least told us, he was. Although the reasons interest me, they don't change my feelings towards him. I was very happy when he found someone he loved and married.

@Dietl, @Amisja I f people really knew the biology, and how much sense it makes they would have question their religious beliefs and their homophobia

@KittiPerry Precisely

@KittiPerry You are giving people too much credit in my opinion. The information for so many things is easily available and people still choose to ignore it. If you tell most religious bigots about evolution they will just throw some bible verses at you. I don't think those people would shy away from making their babies less gay if they could, no matter the cognitive dissonance that's involved. But I would agree that we at least have to try to inform them.

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