If I have to waste one more conversation on some ignorant a**hole who wants to convert me, I think I might completely lose it!
I have tried online dating for a while as a way to try and meet new people given I'm currently located in a rather rural area in Colorado. It's beyond frustrating. I'm already an outlier. I'm 33, never been married, no children, liberal and progressive, and an atheist. I don't think there's anyone else left out there at this point. I'm a strong, independent, opinionated (fact based), intelligent woman. I always knew it would hard to meet someone given my particular circumstances, but I think I've just had it. I'm used to no one understanding. My own family doesn't given the fact that they're all religious. I'm used to being the outcast and the black sleep, but what happened to common f%&ing decency? They think they can change my mind. WHY? I've been secure in my life as an atheist for quite some time. I have had to defend myself and my views regarding life ALL the time with family. Please tell me I'm not the only one out there who experiences this?!?
I'm sorry about your experience, but I can relate. With families like ours, you need to replace them with a family of supportive friends whenever possible. Haven't had the experience of women trying to convert me tho, lucky me.
Except for me being 6 years older, I feel like you were describing my life. Lol
I’ve done the online dating thing before and I clearly stated in my profile that I was an atheist. Yet I would still have very religious men messaging me. Either they just didn’t read my profile or they thought they could convert me.
I have the same exact feelings as you - right up to the religious family. Except I've been around longer, so have more cumulative frustration with all this.
I'm pretty used to being the odd one out, and actually happy with that, but I will NEVER get used to those who need to sell me their damn F-in belief system. WHY indeed !!?? whywhywhywhywhy ...
SO old.
To leave some hope however, there are good people to pair with - I've experienced some. But the search is an undeniable challenge.
I always stop people in their tracks when I tell them I'm an atheist. They actually assume I'm religious just because I'm Hispanic. It's funny they always say, but your so nice and caring and so forth. I still have a lot of my religious friends I just tell them not to bring up the c word and we'll get along just fine. Honestly thanks to social media we can truly tell ourselves we are not alone.
MeToo! My folks just came to visit me for Thanksgiving and I was reminded of how different we are. Everything was "Thank you, God!", "Pray about it", coupled with clueless racist comments, etc. Also found out that mom is clueless about basic science... I was talking about how hard it is to heat my two-story tall living room in the winter and she had no idea that warm air rises.