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Vegan MYTHS Debunked with Lierre Keith.

I found this very interesting.

TristanNuvo 8 Nov 25

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I ate vegan for aobut three years, when I was recovering from leukemia. I only stopped beign vegan befcause when i got forced out of my apartment, and moved into my sister's house, It was just easier to eat chat everyone else was eating.

Still, the whoel key to eatign vegan and staying healthy is a matter of eatign as much variety as you can, and eatign plants that are vine ripened as often as possible.

Listening to her, she seems like she is a bit ignornt. Most vegans are against factory farming and monoculture agriculture. They are also generally very wary of GMOs.

The thing aobut htis video is she is promoting a book she wrote. This is nto a debate of both sides. Even if she ate vegan for 20 years if she did not educate herself on how to eat vegan and stay healthy in an industrialized world, if she harmed her health it was out of her own ignorance.

When I went vegan, I read many different books and they did not all agree on everything, and there is a lot of misinformation out there, and much of it was written by, persons (usually indirectly) subsidized by meat producing companies. And there are faux documentaries with misinformation also subsidized by the meat industries.

Ancient records show that the best athletes in the Olympics of ancient Greece were vegetarians. Some prominent athletes today are vegetarians too.

It isn't eating vegan that is unhealthy, but eating too much of the wrong things and not enough of a variety of things. There are believe it or not vegan junk food junkies, who may nto eat meat, but do eat a lot of processed foods, which are nutrient poor foods. You can be vegan and primarily eat just potato chips, but that would not be healthy.

Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, preferably organically or locally grown produce. Aboid processed foods, because the nutients have been processed out, but they reatin the calories. Calories that have littel or no nutritioal value are called "empty calories" Avoid them. Don't drink sodas, they are just artificial chemicals suspended in water and have no real nutritional value. I asked my cancer doctor about eating vegan, and he saw not problems with it. As it is I have one of the fastest recoveried from leukemia on a drug only progrm at OHSU.

On the flip side, some meat is irradiated to kill badfteria, but is still considered safe to eat after the radiation exposure. Irradiat3ed meat is never labeled as such. Radiation is a known cause of leukemia as well as other cancers.


A click bait site would have been less painful. Just get to the point.


What Carol said.


I got through the first couple of minutes and determined that she's an idiot.

I figured if she spent 20 + years in declining health, it's her fucking fault. What a moron.

@Gooniesnvrdie I have also seen many vegans cherry pick when talking about meat eaters.


sorry can't watch this

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