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So, we've been home a week. House is gradually getting back to its normal state of disarray. Thanksgiving eating frenzy over. Our good neighbor sends me an Instant Message asking to meet me out in front of our houses. So, I wander out front and observe the Christmas decoration frenzy going on in our cul-de-sac. (We hang up a front door wreath we buy every year from the Boy Scouts, that's it). The neighbor and I do the obligatory small talk before he gets around to why we're standing outside drinking coffee. First thing is, can he hide Christmas gifts he's getting for his sons in my workshop?... Sure! Then... the real reason we're meeting comes out: his middle son, 19 years old, is autistic (functions OK in the world... has a job locally) but is pretty socially limited due to this condition. He took care of our cats while we were traveling, and did a GREAT job. Dad tells me that his son would take his guitar over to our house and sit there and play and sing to the cats for an hour or longer every evening. (He sings and plays really well). The boy misses doing this and wanted to know if he could come over once in awhile to play for "his" cats. Sure! Linda and I arranged to stay out of the entertainment room area and give him lots of space to be by himself.... with the cats. Turns out the cats, and now, the dog... really like this. The cats missed him. A good deal for all!!!

bigpawbullets 9 Nov 25

Enjoy being online again!

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That is awesome. I have a friend with an autistic son that gets ENTHRALLED when l come by and play the guitar. He is not 'functional" at all.


What a kind and neighborly thing to do. What a different country this would be if everyone was kind to each other. Thank you for today’s smile.


This to me is what neighbors and community are all about.

That is a fine moment there - thanks for sharing it with us.


Absolutely perfect. It's also amazing how so many animals feel an affinity to autistic people. Possibly because the feeling is genuinely mutual.

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