Today, on Facebook, I got a reminder that I'd like to post here as a reminder to us all that we are far more creative than we often give ourselves credit for, and we find uses for things that maybe we shouldn't! But it's often a good thing.
"I bet MacGuyver would be a hoarder, because you never know when a useless piece of trash is going to come in handy."
repurposing is my middle name! i just finished making a salad to bring with me where i am going today. i took the red cabbage out of a bag i saved from another product, and i put the whole salad into a plastic container that richard wanted to throw away because i had already used what was in THAT but it has a lid and is perfect for carrying the salad. in japan i used the rice cooker to make chili, spaghetti or maztaball soup, and i used empty plastic containers that the japanese would have thrown away (and then paid to replace with ugly tupperware-type stuff). hoarder? not i! i am just practical!