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The weather is going to be beautiful today in Florida.

Dragonfly1965 6 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

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0 sure.. I see some heavy bands of moisture coming down from the NW.. Sure nice on the Blue Ridge today our clouds head east across the lowlands 🙂

Varn Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

@Dragonfly1965 Looks Tropical 🙂 ...and maybe I’d spoken too soon.. my backyard’s about to blow away with 34 mph wind gusts! Actually, this ridge living’s still new to me … I’m a Willamette Valley transplant from Oregon, weather didn’t change this fast back there would rain for weeks 😉


Funny, I read like 3 articles on my Twitter feed this morning warning Floridians not to send pets or children to the beach or to let them track beach sand into the house, as the organisms currently "blooming" in the water will sicken and kill both pets and humans who come in contact with it.

You can have the nice weather, I prefer to be alive and well 😉

@Dragonfly1965 Upstate NY. Our poison of choice is tick-born disease. As a former sufferer from chronic Lyme disease I probably should be down there wrestling crocodiles and dodging cockroaches, but the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.


Enjoy it while you are still above sea level.


Go ahead, rub it in, lol.

@Dragonfly1965 Texas panhandle, I used to live in S. Fla., miss the weather there this time of year.


Rainy and cold here ?


Do not rub it in, please. We just had 8 inches of snow.

@Dragonfly1965 I live just outside Chicago.Just cleared my driveway.

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