Gratitude is the emotion I feel the most in recent years. It is the best emotion I have ever felt, much more appealing and satisfying than any other emotion.
Sign of a decent person.
I try my best to live a good life, and do right by others.
Appreciation is the word I prefer to use, as it doesn't require an actor to express gratitude TO. There is no invisible sky wizard to be grateful to, and sometimes, there are no humans or proxies like organizations / companies to be grateful to ... and when there is, they aren't necessarily reliable.
But one can appreciate the things that are good that are right in front of you. For example, at the moment I appreciate that I have a clean, warm, safe house, a quality laptop and a high speed internet connection, a full stomach, a couple of dogs cuddled up to me, etc. These things exist, sometimes because of my efforts or those of others, sometimes because of dumb luck, but I appreciate them regardless.
I don't know...pure rage is pretty awesome! Just ask Mr. Furious!
Mr Furious needs a shrink.