Makes me laugh everytime! Pastor Jim Bakker helps you stay alive during the apocalypse.
The blonde woman's face is a surgical nightmare, Bakker looks like he belongs in a police report for a serial child molester and what the hell is with the buckets of processed shit for $1500?
Ans what they did with their rendition of "Stayin Alive" is a sin.
The blonde women is Bakker's 2nd wife. They're a match.
@RhondaShotwell What's with this guy? He loves women with messed up faces. Tammy's was a cosmetic disaster and this blonde, well, I've already pointed out her issue.
@Gwendolyn2018 Tammy Faye died of cancer in 2007 two days after appearing on Larry King. Sad story there.
Yes! Bakker, you are a fool and how many poor souls will be dragged into your delusional state and lost to this world? Wow! I am dumb founded!
Vic Berger's Super Deluxe is funny. The way he puts it all together makes it entertaining.
Lunatics. Is that $1500 for 32 Staying Alive Buckets. Seems overpriced for me. By the way if we are as he says in our final days, why would we need the buckets.
@Gooniesnvrdie True story!