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It is not rocket science folks>>

Captain_Feelgood 8 Nov 27

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Hmm, interesting article, but here's a thought:
If you were from a non-Latin American background attempting to access the USA for nefarious purposes, would you do it under the glare of current media attention, with the a full border force and military response waiting for you on the other side?
I mean, it's not rocket science...

If they are thinking there may be a BumRush, or a splinter group sneak off and go around through the dessert, heck YEAH. That would be a great way to get in.

@Captain_Feelgood I reckon it'd be much more sensible to head for a completely different border crossing, especially if all the attention and resources are being sucked into this media circus.

@MrBeelzeebubbles I was not surprised to find out how many have been caught trying to come in down there in the past. [] You have to read all to get to the numbers.

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