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So after last nights interesting discussion whats everyones opinion on this ? I know it prob seems one sided but if anyone knows the mothers point of view please post below


Simon1 7 Nov 28

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Was reading a few days ago,about a divorced mother who would dress her Son in girls clothes,and when it came time for the visit and stay with the father,he dressed his Son in boys clothes,the mom sued,I understand to have the boy go through counseling and possible chemical changes.......


This would never happen. A surgeon would never perform this operation until a person is an adult and able to make thier own medical decisions. Sexual reassignment surgery follows years of hormone therapy, living as the chosen sex for a designated period of time, multiple procedures. This is a bogus article to raise $ for right wing nut jobs.


If this is happening it should be stopped. And the children need to be protected. But, is this just shit the religious father is using to get custody? Maybe the kid wants to wear dresses.

PRAY!!! See PRAYER link for some beautiful intercessory prayers tailored specifically to these kids from scripture. Praying scripture is so powerful and helps when we don’t always have the words.

SHARE! Contact your local elected officials. Tell all your Christian friends. The more people that are aware, the better.


That appears to be a fake news/scam site created by trumpites.

I cannot fathom any court in the US even allowing this to be a case. And any doctor agreeing would be de-barred for doing this for no good medical reason.

That is unless the doctor was an islamic imbecile mutilating girls' genitals.


There's not even surname details to check. Looks like a scam.


I do not understand trans=sexuality , but will not demean it. I simply do understand the desire to be something that we cannot biologically ever be. I am what I am biologically.

Which is fine but this is about forcing it on a child

@Simon1 That should never be forced on a child. This is a sick parent.


Someone should step in and take that child away from that mother and at the same time get her a good psychiatrist. Sounds like the she Munchen's syndrome.


I cannot opine without knowing anymore than that about the situation.


The woman ought to be arrested.


There's one thing I can't get past; why is the mother pushing for him to have surgery at age 6?

The mother seems to want him to be a girl. Now I'm not sure of course but if I was a parent I wouldn't have a problem with my child changing genders, but I'd probably want them to wait until they're a bit older. Of course there's a lot more that goes into the developmental and formative years of a child than I know that's for sure, but I think your average parent would at least want the child to wait until they're a little older however this mother seems to be all in from an early age at changing his sex. She's suing the father for money for the surgery and also wants to take away his parental rights.

My guess, is that the mother is pushing something on the child and that the child doesn't understand enough about it to know that his mother shouldn't be doing that. Personally I think that someone much more schooled than I am should talk to the child, and according to some articles they have and found that he does not have gender dysmorphia or any interest in being a girl when away from the mother.

Exactly couldn't have worded it any better .


I think its sick. He was born a boy, and identifies as a boy, but the mother is trying to make him a girl. Thats messed up and id guess she does serious mental damage to the kid.

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