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Switch all the clothes in different closets. Cut cords to t.v's. Cook some and leave dirty dishes in the sink ,table full of food . Bring in some dirty stinky diapers . LOL

HardBlues69 7 Nov 29

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One day at a job I had some years back we actually went into the office of one particularly uptight co-worker and turned everything we could lift upside-down (so that was everything except for the heavier furniture). I think he enjoyed it.


Forget to bring in the mail.


And all I got done yesterday was cleaning the ceiling fan in my bedroom.


Put remotes in the fridge. Change the toaster setting. Tape random objects to the walls. Print out multiple copies of that one photo of Jeff Goldblum and put them in all the picture frames. Switch the pillows between the bed and the sofa.


Unscrew the lightbulbs...

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