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Make it legal! THE WEED!

Twisted185 6 Dec 2

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You should have no difficulty getting it in your town, the weed shops are everywhere. Not in my state however.

Oh ya, I've got one less than 4 blocks from my house. They get a visit from me several times a month. 😉


Unlike all other drugs and alcohol - weed is a natural product. You have a seed - you plant it - let nature takes its course and then you harvest it. No intervention is required. I grew it for years and while I did remove the male plants so the female plants would produce more THC than seeds - other than that - I kept the roots hydrated with tap water. I didn't add phosphates or nitrates or coffee grounds or miracle grow or any of the other things people add to kick up the buzz. It's a natural product that has been here since the beginning of time that doesn't require us to sensitize it. The same can't be said about coffee, cocaine, tobacco and all of the other sh-t people use for vices. There's no common sense reason for this to be illegal.

Poison Ivy, Ebola, and Uranium are also all 100% natural and plenty of things found in nature can kill you. That said....I agree there is no common sense regarding federal legal policy surrounding marijuana.

@MauiMike When was the last time you saw anyone trying to smoke poison ivy or uranium? This thread is about what reasonable minded adults are willing to consume - I'm pretty sure that the sh-t you listed isn't on the list.

@SLBushway point taken....perhaps those were bad examples. My point was that 'natural' has very little relationship to overall safety. Plenty of synthetic products are very safe and plenty of all natural ones are very toxic. I have personally seen people go into acute renal failure from ingesting Chinese herbs requiring dialysis and fulminate liver failure from ingesting fresh picked mushrooms....the folks involved were very reasonable. That said I support the full legalization of marijuana and think that those who wish to indulge in the consumption of such intoxicants for whatever reason should be legally able to do so..... A stoner friend of mine once said to me....Mike, it's not the toking and smoking that will kill you's the fruit loops and doritos you eat after partaking that will eventually do you in....

@MauiMike I understand what you are trying to say and it's fair that I should not focus on "natural" because many things in nature can kill us e.g., poisonous berries, the green leaves of a potato plant, trees that excrete a poisonous sap and so on. My comments were focused on what needs to be done to the natural product to make it quasi safe for consumption.




Legal weed is boring. I live in Colorado


The new governor if Illinois wants to make pot legal. Cross your fingers.


Done in Michigan!

Yep. Now you have to deal with the FIP wave.

@chucklesIII ?

@A2Jennifer FIP is what people from Michigan call people from Illinois. Fucking Illinois People.

@chucklesIII huh. I’m from A2 and have never heard that. We get more worked up about Ohioans.


Writing from Canada, I've never been a big pot user but very proud of my country for making the rational decision to legalize it. It's interesting how since legalization people are a lot more to open to talking about pot. It's been a bit of a gong show in terms of supplies running out at the government-run online store, but that will get sorted out eventually.


There's no real reason weed is illegal.


Pot smoking beastiality.. why not make it legal, apparently people have no problem with transgender, why not let love transcend species.. or kinds as beleibers might say.

@x0lineage0x - relevant much?


the only reason that different states or even countries make it legal is cost effective. it saves them money, in the long term. but seeing someone die from Psychosis as a result does not warrant the liberal debate. You find your brother in law as stiff as a board on the living room floor, and tell me its a good thing.

Cite your sources and references.


Beastiality ??

Oh good gravy...NO! LoL


These people are so silly I'm going to assume that you mean weed and I live in Washington state and it is legal here there are stores everywhere I just had a bowl right before I wrote this

I do mean I live in Washington State, as well. Cheers! Load that bowl!

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