10 9

I think Calvin and Hobbes is/was the best comic ever!

I think I will use this one as a response to Trump supporters. They probably wont' get it, but it will be funny to the peopel who do.

snytiger6 9 Dec 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I get it, however I don't see anything funny in furthering the already big divide among Americans. For a moment Tiger, imagine all of those on the political left who hate Trump and on an almost daily basis feel the need to complain about him. Now, imagine if all of those complaining would focus their energies on actually helping to improve conditions in this world, like go out and use some energy in feeding a homeless person? At times like this those on the left could easily take the moral high ground and do something positive like that, and yet so many are passing up on such and instead would rather participate in another pointless street protest. This is one of the reasons why I cannot take the progressive left seriously, and for what it's worth (not counting the current president) we haven't had a decent president who considered all citizens in modern times, so whenever someone downs Trump but have nothing bad to say about Clinton or Obama I will be forced to laugh that person off, as both of them were puppets and no better. But that's okay though, don't take anything I say into consideration, just keep helping in furthering the divide. I'm trying to think up ways that could bring both political sides to the table, unfortunately it appears I'm largely going solo on that mission. (Exhales deeply) Anyone have a small island for sale?

On another note, at times I do get some chuckles out of some of Dixon Diaz's comic strips. I have a good one to share for anyone who might be interested...


trump supporters won't get it.

Yeah, probably not....


It has always worked for me!


Yeah, funny and poignant! Bill Watterson is my favorite.


Adulthood summed up in 4 panels. Plato's cave has nothing on Waterson.


At least Calvin knows that things aren't simple or clear, an advantage he has on the talking yam. Bill Waterson is a genius.


Yep, far too accurate.


ha ha love the eyeball roll...


For me, it's a toss-up between Calvin & Hobbes and Bloom County. Both were genius.


Yeah good stuff!!

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