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Hi.. Just dropped in to see who I could piss off today.

Duke 8 Dec 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I think you could try harder than that. I'm far from pissed...


Good luck with that.


Nuke a gay communist baby seal for Christ. That usually works and covers all the bases. Feel free to use it at will.


Not me, that's for sure dude with K ?


as a matter of fact, i am already pissed off, seeing as being able to answer to your post on a website i never signed up on ?


Not me. I'm just agreeable as all effing hell.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 5, 2018

Effing Hell doesn't exist but, you're making me wet and that isn't really possible either... Knock it off Satan. LOL


try me.

Bring that vagina across the pond.

@Duke, & will that be all, sir?

@walklightly Actually, I'd be happier if you bring everything attached to it.

@Duke you may not realise what that will result in and you may end up being pissed off. Have you left the return ticket at Sydney airport yet for @walklightly?

@Donotbelieve guilty

@Duke ???


Now you've done it


I'll act pissed and collect the double points, darn you?

Beat you to it. ?

Dang, I thought I had double points. Now I am pissed!! Hahaja

How are you. Havent crossed conversations for quite a while.

That should make up for your lost double points!

@FrayedBear I'm doing pretty good! Took s break for a while to tend some family business.

@potteryguy2018 I notice that my points have only increased by 51 points in the last three days despite being active.

@potteryguy2018 all ok? Or ongoing family saga?

@FrayedBear Settled dad's estate and got mom's Medicaid set up

@potteryguy2018 Sounds like you are ready for 2019. ?



@SpikeTalon LMAO I must do it more often. I get better interaction when I do it snoozing, judging from the weight of response above.

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