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Yes it’s like that.

48thRonin 8 Dec 8

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Ugh. Yeah, no matter who you "support" or not, you are still an idiot. It is not about who you vote for; it is about where your conviction lies, and more importantly why.

Really dude!? Hey ummm could you I don’t know maybe share that analogy with a few million people.

That’d be great because there’s always some idiot that whenever I voice my political and social convictions and/or ideologies it’s apparently an opening to question my political alliances.
Or my very personal favorite the rapid fire assumptions of just whom I fucking voted for.

So if referring to me or anyone else for matter as an idiot when only a fool would that they know the whole story then this idiot can clearly see you for the fool you are.
So good day Mr. Chang

@48thRonin I apologize. I was reacting to the meme, not you. The meme is nothing but a bare and unproductive cynicism. It is trapped in the belief that we are passive consumers of the politics. If we don't like the "choices" given to us, we have the obligations to create another one.

@KenChang I apologize for how i responded but in reality you’re right we’re not all passive consumers and we have been trying to create options better options for everyone.

And the system in America is designed on an us vs them as well as the expectation of brand loyalty.
And so our politics are a reflection of those ideologies.

But I will say this about those who are 30 and younger they’re redefining those rules in powerful but subtle ways. At least through my observations they’re pushing the big brands out by creating and shopping through smaller and more local sources.

They’re revitalizing and renewing what mine and older generations discarded or considered as used up and unnecessary and they’re coming to the conclusion that they’re our last hope which is motivating them to step into leadership roles.

Which is great but we still have the old guard at the helm and they’ve got a death grip against change and unfortunately their followers are doing their best to protect even if it means being the aggressors.

So whenever someone like me steps up and openly challenges them I get the same old passive aggressive response of “ If you’re not one of us then you most definitely be one of them and you can either change, leave or face the consequences.

They don’t realize just how much they sound and act alike they’re just wearing the other teams jersey and like in all sports the fans get emotional but the players get paid and I don’t know really how else to convey that other than standing in middle and forcing them to think.
Ok that’s all I have to say on that and thank you for communicating response. And i apologize once again

@48thRonin Thank you! You are the perfect example of the fact that we are more than our memes!


Yeah!!! I found two psychopaths.


If the election didn't happen already.. then I could see your point. The election happened, she lost, it's over. Anyone who brings her up anymore is typically a Trump fanboy. At this point, it's like bringing up whoever lost to Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or other Bush. Only those with an agenda have a reason to bring up past losers.

???? You couldn’t have supported my statement any better.
BUT all I get to hear and every fucking minute of every fucking day trump this! Trump that! That guy has a trump hat!! TRUMP is killing us all!!! ( now picture a meteor with trump’s face hurling towards earth).

So just for my own fucking sanity I remind the world that I saw whole communities exited over the prospect of Bernie Sanders leading us the people to a more than marginal tomorrow.

But then I remember the night before the California primaries where Chris Matthews told Robert Reich and the whole world for that matter that
“ Tomorrow at approximately 7pm EST that they meaning of all the media outlets were going to declare HRC the winner of the democratic primaries. “

And I know that for some of you that was fucking music to your ears but those of us who actually something to believe in.
That was proof that the system was going to prove its power and then for us to be told get in line!?
Are you fucking kidding me!

No we didn’t and that’s why he won because this is a democracy and we would make it be known.
Honestly look at the votes between the 2 of them it didn’t even equate to 1/2 of the registered voters and there were republican candidates that jumped in after their primaries as independents because they caught the fact that her friend of 20+ years and her greatest and most voice full supporter in 2008 bid just happened to show up clear the republican field and be turned into a disgusting animal immediately afterwards!!?

Seriously that grab them by ? was around before he announced his candidacy and thanks to HRC and the DNC they knew that he was going to run back in April.
So no this was a conspired plan that even Donna Brazil, Tulsi Gabbard and while under oath in a court room Deb Shultz confirmed ( all women and democrats btw )

So you and everyone else deserves trump and I dare anyone to deny the fact that if the media had given Bernie the attention they gave him that we’d be in a much different situation right now and y’all that came out of trump’s mouth so thank you really thank you because y’all are the hurt and damaged ones aren’t you??

@48thRonin Dude, I am a non-voter. I haven't voted for any president, including class president in high school. Notice how I said typically a fanboy? Because it's typically how Trump fanboys work. If you don't want to be one, here is an idea.. stop fucking acting like one. Then you don't need to post stupid memes about how you're not one.

@FatherOfNyx Ummm?? You don’t vote!!??
Then ummm can you please ummm I don’t know ?
Shut the fuck up!! Seriously I don’t play poker I wouldn’t go into a casino and tell people about what they’re doing wrong.
Fuck me fanboy whatever at least I’ve earned an opinion.

@48thRonin Lol, voting didn't earn you shit. Notice I'm not complaining about Trump or Hillary? I am here pointing out how you complaining about Hillary makes you look like a Trump fanboy, a tool. If you wouldn't be crying about people mistaking you for a Trump fanboy wheb you act like a Trump fanboy, I'd never have said anything.

And I really wish people would stop with the whole "if you don't vote, you can't complain" mindset. Not that I complain about politics much at all, almost never, but there's countless things people complain about that they never voiced their opinion on when they could have. That's the beauty of the freedom of speech.

It leaves me free to say 'now troll along fanboy'.

@FatherOfNyx you’re absolutely right ????


The independent path is not always an easy one to traverse...

No it’s filled with lions tigers and bullshit but why?


No, Hillary has been terribly maligned. There was one idiot in the election, and that is the lying conman, Crooked Donald.

And stop hiding behind that ridiculous mask.

She brought him into the election and those yet to denied emails prove it. But thank you for your input sir

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