It's been almost 10 years since I've had to transition to new tech. I am soooooo lost! LOL!!!
so you just traded out your VCR for a DVD player? Or have you given up your cable TV for Internet TV? Or, did your flip phone finally die?
I just upgraded from an iPhone 6 to an 8 yesterday. I haven't found any differences yet.
I just transitioned from a 10 yr old laptop to a newer model.
Interesting. In my lifetime I can't recall a period of more than 2 years when I wasn't involved in technological changes of one form or another to be kept up with. For me it was just something we did and I never actually gave it a second thought. Now that I think about it, I can see how it would be quite difficult for some.
You're not alone. I've never used an Iphone myself. Looking at some people who do, I don't think I will start, either.
No,I have an Android phone,comfortable in it's use,I used an Iphone at T mobile to call AT&T when I switched plans, and a heck of a time getting their Iphone there to work for me. I have an old Dell Inspiron computer with Widows 10,as the operating system and a fairly new S9 Samsung cell phone upgrade from a S5.
My phone stays in my pocket 90% of the time.