Wow! Dating religious people is a pain in the ass. They get offended SUPER quickly. All I did was ask if "So if you recharge your pendant, does it have mana points like from a video game?". I think it may be why she left me... Oh well. LOL
I don't know why one of us would knowingly date a believer if it was online dating or we had some other way at the start to know if they were religious. Anytime I see a profile essay that mentions God or faith I just skip on. Same thing if they have something in there about how big family is to them, how close they are to their family, kids, grandkids, etc., because that is info that tells me they would not be a match for me. Why waste time or be extra frustrated if the data is already there?
Actually thats a hilarious question. but Religious people do get offended very easily yes, why im not exactly sure . It varies from person. But they also get pissed when someone who don't beileve gets pissed at them for them trying to change our minds , we are entitled to beileve what we want. So too the Religious nuts can't take a hint. Get lost lols
Thats hilarious! I could not date a religious person EVER!
I think I know why it didn't go over well, however I also think you need to take risks for humor. Sometimes it all goes sideways, but you can anticipate certain reactions and have something up your sleeve. I admit, I never wondered about recharging a pendant like that, that's a good one.
Hahaha. More to come from that area I’ll wager. There’s nothing more off putting than someone who takes themself seriously.
I have dated Christians and have Christian friends. They don't hassle me. We love and accept each other. Never argue about religion.