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I was attending a family shindig / dinner gathering when one of my family members had the bright idea to ask me to say grace. I sighed heavily and nodded. I believe I started with something like, "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the union of this food with our bodies..."

Anyway, I think my family finally figured out that I don't share in their beliefs.

Switchboard 4 Dec 10

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Thank you turkey, for growing healthy and strong, then being our dinner...itadakemasu!!


Dear beloved..... Ha ha ... Prince came to mind

@Charity ahhhhh....I should scroll down more often ???? oh well, the more the merrier ????

@Charity by the way, my day is going great !!!!! Someone called me sugar !!! Yay !!!!! ( Bright eyes bushy tail ?????? )..... that's how I say thanks ??

@Charity I know, no harm done by any means. You really made my day ????

@Charity well you got me walking on clouds today !! ???????


"Grace! She was the bitch that married my brother. I thought we were never to speak of her again after the divorce."


I’m an ordained minister and an atheist, and have found plenty of ways to say and do things that most people assume HAVE to be religious in a humanistic/non-theistic way.


Father, son, holy ghost whoever eats the fastest gets the most.


Here’s the potatoes, here’s the meat, goddamn it, let’s eat


That's funny. Instead of someone delivering a prayer the host would lead us in singing the national anthem at family Christmas parties.

@AlPastor Actually I would do bohemian rhapsody or tradition from fiddler on the roof just because.


I'd have just said "GRACE!!!" and started eating.

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