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Question. How to handle what looks like anti semitisim. The local Staples in Gettysburg, PA would not lower its flag to half mast after the Pittsburgh shooting and subsequent call to do so by Presidential order because, as they claimed, it would damage the flag. I have sent notifications to the parent company and received no notice. The company DID lower the flag on Veteran's day (good, I'm a vet) and recently for Bush I. Seems I was lied to. Any suggestions? I don't care much about the religious aspects, but anyone but me see something darker, like a jacked off conservative agenda. Any ideas.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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[] this is the link to submit a letter to the editor of the gettysburg times.



You might try contacting the parent company again ... squeaky wheel gets the grease. Have you tried contacting the media? Like a local reporter. If the media starts nosing around they may change their tune.

CS60 Level 7 Dec 10, 2018

No ideas aside from lambasting them, letting everyone know who would care and boycotting. That does seem pretty fucked up though.

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