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I can't count the number of times people told me that if you want to fix the country put a business man in charge. It looks like that bit of common wisdom is fatally flawed. The first time we tried it the bastard tried to sell us to Russia.
Go figure.

Novelty 8 Dec 11

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Ross Perot!
Anyway, a decent person who can read/ understand the Constitution & Bill of Rights, can employ various experts and actually Listen to them, and is willing to learn, would be Fabulous! (Harry Truman was a haberdasher!)


Trump is not even a professional businessman, but simply a professional scam artist.


If you're going to put a businessman in the highest governmental office in the land, you should at least put one there who has a proven track record of success. Not some trust fund baby who has been repeatedly propped up and bailed out their whole life.

Oh, and if they could have a moral compass and at least a little common decency, that would be nice too.


I guess they forgot add successful to the criteria.


Russia Russia Russia ?
Well you forgot to mention the 30+. Years of the Republican Party telling their voters that they needed to get politicians out of the White House and they finally succeeded.
But let’s not ever forget who more than anyone pushed him and then promoted him in an effort to make people not want to even hear about him even though they weren’t actually listening to her to begin with. ?

@Mortal Wow I didn’t realize that you Californians were so intense but anyway her is Hillary and this the email that she had sent out through the dnc and to certain members of the MSM.

They were friends and business partners for over 20 years and he was the most outspoken person when it came to her losing the Democratic nomination back in 08.
He got her on the stage with McCain and it’s the belief of a lot people that his purpose was to clear the republican stage and then look like ? that he was but she was ? too which is why they had a low voter turnout and let’s be real I’d say at least 15% of his votes were fuck You Hillary votes.

So get mad stay mad the evidence is in the emails that no one has disputed but very few for some reason are willing to blame her and her strategist for bringing him in.

@Mortal LMAO! Hey don’t roll them fuckers too hard I wouldn’t want ya to depressed by the emptiness.
Well Donna Brazil confirmed some of them as did Shultz in court and Seth Rich died for them so yes until she owns up to them or they’re contested it will always be about the emails
And telling me to STFU is actually so cute and hopefully therapeutic for you because you look like you need it ✌?

@Mortal, @48thRonin Guys, isn't this beside the point of a business person as president?

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