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After Receiving Trump's Tax Breaks Verizon is Eliminating 10,400 Jobs - The Rich Get Richer Due to Rethuglicans

sassygirl3869 9 Dec 12

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As is Carrier,GM,GE, Harley,Ford and so many others. He just knows more about everything than anyone else.ASS


All of us with a brain knew this was going to happen. I can't wait until my two son's file their taxes this year and see that many of their deductions are GONE. I won't say I told you so, I'll just give them my mom look!!!

He removed medical deduction to pay for the tax cut. It really hurts the senior citizens wich have so many medical costs.

@Marine I guess all us senior citizens just need to hurry up and die right??????

@Redheadedgammy That actually was Millers suggestion . He was going to use the health insurance to hasten those with illness to die rather than treat them for long periods.

@Marine Sounds about right for that fucking Nazis. Guess he doesn't realize he to will get old one day....

@Redheadedgammy The wealthy have the means to pay whatever they need. Just look at the tax deductions they receive for horse farms, cattle and tree farms on their property. It is a disgrace and unfair to the population who pay taxes.


The only trickle down to us, the working people, the foundation of our country, is colored yellow and smells like urine. Why does anyone support RepubliTHUGS and "The Beast" tRump?

The trickle down is higher taxes for those with the least ability to pay them.


And how many of those workers voted for him?

Quite a few in the thousands per state.

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