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I personally don't think this such a bad slur but apparently it is... So why is she not fired like any other main stream media person? []

Captain_Feelgood 8 Dec 13

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I was watching that and thought she was spot on. The entire trump administration are diktator butt boy wannabes.


I don't get insulted by the N word because I'm white.

Regardless she's not fired because it was a different person making the decision for a different person in a different scenario of a private company. This need everyone has to break everything down into small comparable chunks is absurd and the thought that anyone can second-guess it is even more-so. We have one decision to make, do we watch her or not.


It wasn't a homophobic slur, she was calling him an ass kisser!!!!!

mmmm... no... 'butt buddy' is definitely a slur to homosexual men.. I asked a gay guy l know to make sure, and he said it was,,, so there's that... lol

  1. not homophobic IMO, but im not gay, so that's not for me to decide.
  2. crude and in poor taste; but absolutely apropos. I'm in favor of more good taste in the public sphere.
  3. regardless of what is or isn't "acceptable" or "appropriate" by some objective, Ivory tower standard, popular opinion makes the rules, for better or worse, when media business chops the heads. You can't just say anything you want to say when money rides on it. I'm not saying that's how it should be, just that's how it is.

What was it that Stephen Colbert said about Trump and Putin? And there was a big "homophobia" furor over that? Reminiscent...

I don't think it's homophobic to allege or imply that someone is engaging in homosexual activity, just as a way of satyrically characterising certain actions/relationships. It doesn't become a slur unless/until you start throwing specific, homosexuality-targeted denigration in there. Homosexual activity by itself is not denigrating.

Where does it end? Do we have to stop saying that certain buddy-buddy politicians are "sweethearts" now, if they're of the same sex, because that would be a "homophobic slur"?

Should she lose her job for that comment? I honestly don't know where I come down on that. I'm in favor of not being reactionary. An apology and some kind atonment with the gay community may be in order. Or maybe nothing. Maybe everyone could just suck it up and move on.

If anything, gay voices should be leading this discussion.


Poor choice of words...I know she gets too emotional for me and sometimes goes off the deep end...she needs to breathe and not make her obvious hate of him overwhelm her otherwise factual reporting of the news...which, I really don't think it is...more like commentary on the news...opinionated commentary, which I do agree with...

Welcome to news in our times...she helps more gays with her liberal stance...and for the D to tweet in their defense is laughable since his policies tend to hurt them...


"So why is she not fired like any other main stream media person?"

What are the other equivalent examples that you are referring to here?

Matt Lauer and Piers Morgan come to mind right off the bat.

@Captain_Feelgood The keyword was "equivalent."

Matt Lauer was fired for inappropriate sexual misconduct and Piers Morgan was fired because of tanking ratings.

@AlPastor Freedom of the Press for Morning Joe, anyone? is Clearly OP-ed in nature!


Can you summarize? I have used up my free WaPo already ?

Mika on Morning Joe asked if Mike Pompeio(s?) Is a "Dictator's wannabe butt boy" ?

@ronnie40356 seems like an obvious question to me, with equally obvious answer.......

@ronnie40356 Thank you. It was unprofessional and unbecoming of a journalist. However, pretty funny.

@DoctoralZombie Cliff's notes version of my long-winded comment, TY 😉


I don't have a problem with it or think it's homophobic (said the heterosexual who has no right to say if a homosexual should or shouldn't be offended). The point wasn't to degrade or make fun of homosexuals, it was to point out that Pompeo is Trump's bitch. Of course then we can fall back to a chorus of feminists who are offended by that term. So I have mixed feelings about people taking up offense over something that was not meant to offend anyone but Pompeo and Trump, but if people want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, who's asking me??

As to why she isn't fired, stay tuned, the network hasn't had time to process it yet and it's definitely not a no-brainer like Mika declaring that all blacks in the US should be lynched or something.

However Mika or anyone else being fired is largely a function of their economic and brand value. Although I think the Morning Joe brand has faded somewhat, it's still the centerpiece of a lot of viewer's mornings and so I rather doubt this will result in anything more than a non-heartfelt on-air apology tomorrow.


Our news shows have really declined.

I don't think I'd define Morning Joe as a news show. Kind of talking heads entertainment IMO, but i havent watched in a long time.


MSNBC is very liberal and tolerant toward bad mouthing the conservatives. If she would have bad mouthed the liberals I’m sure she would have been fired. Hell Kashoggi was a Muslim brotherhood sympathizer. I therefore see no problem with killing him for that reason.

No... no he wasn't. Except in the right wing's world. []
Khashoggi was a reporter and critic of the regime. He did have friends among the Muslim Brotherhood, which isn't surprising, considering that until 2011 the Saudi government itself was a supporter of the movement, and members sit in the parliaments of several Saudi allies. Nowhere has anyone shown any evidence that Khashoggi was any kind of supporter of terrorist activities or any of the horrible things you seem to imply when you say he was a "sympathizer".

But I'm glad you see no problem with governments murdering reporters who upset them. The next time there's a Democrat in the White House, I expect a large death toll at Fox News.

@Paul4747 This shows very clearly that Kashoggi was a Islamic activist. []

@Trajan61 Sorry, I just read it, I don't see that. You sound like another Twumpist.

@godef Do you not see the words Islamic activist?

You're the definition of rightwing nutjob, and deranged. My prescription, no Faux news ot hate radio for a week. As for MSNBC, thank goodness there's one place in the universe i can go watch Liberal viewpoints and hear the real truth about what conservatives are doing to the country. BTW, its really only Liberal from 8pm~11:00 pm. Curious, what are you doing here? I'm an agnostic and "Islamic activist" is no worse than "Christian activists". I guarantee they've tortured and killed just as many or more.

You do know he was killed by a country(Saudi Arabia) that is Islamic in a country(Turkey) that is also Islamic? So killing him for being an Islamic activist does not even make sense...he was killed for his political views...something our country should not tolerate...

@maturin1919 I totally understand that but that money should have been forfeited after they seized the US embassy which was an act of war. So what in the hell are you talking about?

@maturin1919, @thinktwice As long as the Muslims are killing each other why should we be concerned?

@Trajan61 Because you are justifying a killing of a human being for political ends...would you want people in our country to be killed for having opposing views to Obama, Trump, etc.? Putin does that as you think we should become a dictatorship like they are?

@thinktwice The Sunni and Shia Muslims have been killing each other for over a thousand years. Why should we become involved in trying to stop that from happening? Besides that Saudi Arabia is definitely the lessor evil to Iran.

@thinktwice, @ronnie40356 Give me one example of Christain activist committing major terriorist acts in the last 25 years. I haven’t heard of any Christain’s flying jets into buildings killing thousands or shooting a bunch of people for making a cartoon they considered insulting to the prophet Mohammad. Hell the radical Muslims want to kill people just for not believing like they do!

@thinktwice You don’t even make any sense and don’t seem to be very well educated in matters of foreign affairs.

@Trajan61 Timothy McVeigh..Robert Gregory Bowers, Dylann Roof, Cody Seth Crawford, Frazier Glenn Miller, Wade Page...all terrorists, all white, killing people who do not believe or look like they do...

@Trajan61 Oh are going there? You first...I think are out of your league and I am not going to waste any more time trying to respectfully address your are all over the place and do not seem to be able to stay on topic...seriously, you can't even spell and I did not go there, but , hey...I am guessing that you are the one who lacks the intellectual capacity to formulate your own opinions, so out of a sense of fair play, I will bow out of any further discussions with you...

@thinktwice Yes that true but they were isolated cases and weren’t motivated to kill us by their radical Islamic or Christain religion. Hell there are over 40 million Islamic radicals in the world that hate us and would do everything in their power to destroy this country!

@Trajan61 Your odds of being killed by one of the over 300 "isolated" cases are greater; your odds of being bit by a shark are greater; your odds of being killed in a car accident are are banking your fears on a small chance...even the Christian Monitor says the number of radicalized Islamic people is low in comparison to how many practice peacefully...and even if they are radicalized, they have no means or methods to or even intent to carry out what they don't see people who hate blacks travel to Africa to destroy blacks because basically, people have no money, no motivation, no means...ISOLATED incidents not withstanding...

Do you even know one Muslim in your circle? Because my father was a diplomat (I have traveled the yeah, I know a bit about foreign affairs...), I know many...they want what I want: to work, to raise a family, to believe what they want...I am a freaking atheist and they are more accepting of that than hard core Evangelicals....ok done now...thanks and, uh, good luck with your own education...

@maturin1919 The money should have been forfeit because of the seizure of the US Embassy which was an act of war.

@Trajan61 Activist is not necessarily a bad thing, dum-dum. Do you speaka English?

@Trajan61 Activist is not necessarily a bad thing, dum-dum. Did you ever hear of a Nazi activist? No wait...

@maturin1919, @thinktwice Just logged back on and saw the comments. You answered this one for me. Thanks! I thought it convenient he restricted the "Christian activists" crimes back to 25 years. Lol. I'd note also that any religion given the go ahead by a complicit leader/or rulers will allow and encourage atrocities. The inquisitions is probably the best Christian example. Some of today's muslim countries being their best examples(Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc.)
I have no doubt that many of our "leaders" in this country given the chance would be torturing and killing disbelievers or the "wrong" religion.

@maturin1919, @thinktwice, @Trajan61 Lots of fine Christians in this country given the chance will be torturing and killing people given the opportunity. Don't kid yourself about Christians. It's been done before.

@maturin1919, @thinktwice, @Trajan61 Bullshit

@maturin1919, @thinktwice, @Trajan61 You are aware that nearly all the terrorists of 9/11 were Saudi right?

@thinktwice, @Trajan61, @maturin1919 Warning accepted. I've wasted to much time.

@ronnie40356 I agree..which was our point...focusing on just the radical Muslims when Christians were just as bad is what we were trying to bring across. Something got lost in translation or else you just got tag happy 🙂

@thinktwice The Christain’s aren’t nearly as bad as the Muslims. How many people have been killed by Christain religous extremist in the last 20 years? They don’t hold a candle to those Islamic extremist!

@Trajan61 Not as bad is not even a viable argument. Both are bad. My point was that in this country, we have more to worry about being killed by white nut cases than by a radical Muslim. The odds are greater and yet the fear is so much higher in comparison.

@thinktwice The majority of my friends are Christians and good people and I’ve never heard a single one of them talk about killing someone for not believing like they do.

@Trajan61 Likewise...I have many Muslim friends and they are good people. Never have I heard them speak of killing someone. They are peaceful, kind and work side by side when we have disasters and offer their friendship, time and money. Oh, and they know I am atheist and not once did they try to convert me....

@thinktwice I have no doubt there are good ones from both religions but the Muslims do seem to have more extremist.

@Trajan61 Maybe, but not in our country...perhaps you have forgotten the extremism of the IRA...catholics against protestants...I would venture to say that most extremism is probably more due to economic and imperialism or political reasons more so than religion...and yet we let the small extremes at either end govern how we view the entire group,,,I believe that is called bigotry.

@thinktwice 10% of all Muslim in the world hate the United States. That quite a large group!

@Trajan61 But does that mean they will act on it? 60% of Americans hate Trump...does that mean they are going to act on it? That is a large group.... 😉

@thinktwice All the people I know that voted for him including myself say they will vote for him again and he will likely be re-elected so I don’t think that many hate Trump. Las Vegas is giving 7-5 odds that he will win in 2020.

@Trajan61 I am just going by the latest polls as well as the physical count of votes...his base will continue to support him no matter what...I think it is to cut off their nose to spite their face because in reality, he has not done a lot to help his base...but I am not here to change anyone's mind...I am going to stop now as my profile says, I am not going to waste any more brain cells even though I have more than enough to share. So thank you but . have fun betting...I will continue to put my money where it counts.

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