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I just read through my bio and found that every single "to" was gone. Every. Single. One. I'm not perfect, I might mistype and leave one out occasionally, but all of them? No way. And not only were they all missing, but there was an extra space in its place. Anyone else ever see this? Who's stealing the tos?????? ?

PS- I edited and added them back in. Let's see if they disappear again!

JonnaBononna 7 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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The "to" fairy?


To (or gap) be or not to (or gap) be, that is question?


Did you learn anything about yourself reading about yourself without the "tos?"

I learned that I sounded like an imbecile! Lol


Yes, I have been struggling with that as well. Disappearing words or parts of words has always been a thing here....but the focus tends to be on site growth and not always on site fixes. 😉 👍


Agnostic gremlins.


Hmm. This used to happen with "in" so if, for example, you said you enjoyed running, it would become "runng". A very odd bug, which I thought had been solved. When all my "in"s vanished, I edited my bio to add them back in and they stayed put, so hopefully your "to"s will, too!

Jnei Level 8 Dec 13, 2018

Someone who tos had been stolen in the first place obviously.

I found it to be the weirdest thing!!! Lol

@JonnaBononna Yes I know what you mean. I cannot get rid of someone who send me a message on my site. I mean I cannot get rid of the message. Something funny is going on.

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