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I am dead. My energy has fled. Transformed once again. To what or to when. That is yet to be known. Just that my energy has been sown.

KDrake 5 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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That is what I have in my mind...but, we are still here as we have not run out of fuel!


Sounds a lot like what depression is like for me. I’ve learned to manage it, but it takes a lot of effort. Sometimes, I feel it coming on, so prepare for it and take a step back. When it does come, I just go with it, knowing that it always passes and that I'll be OK on the other end.

I read this post as dying...depression just feels like your dying! I can commiserate with you on the depression, issue! Be sure to get in plenty of movement and bright light! I do take medication when that does not work. Lexapro (or generic), works perfectly, and I will feel normal again.

@Freedompath The experience of depression is so individual, I try not to generalize. For me, definitely not like dying, which is a simple end to things. It’s more challenging - again, at least to me. But it’s a part of who I am, and I accept it and have learned to manage it to the degree it is not disabling. It has even taught me a lot about myself and the world. I haven’t used meds for years. If anything, I am mindful of the consequences of both my actions and my thoughts.

@The-Krzyz oh I would never describe my depression as ‘a simple end to things!’ It is more like ‘sucking the life out of me, without my permission! I have learned to manage mine as well, and after a back operation a couple of years ago, my depression completely disappeared! But a couple of months ago, my sister and my sister-in-law died and shortly after that I got the flu (after 15 yrs). After I got over the flu, I noticed that I was loosing my ‘meaning’ I replenished my supplements and it still continued to get worse! Then I realized I wasn’t going to pull myself out, so I got out the old meds (which is only 5mg), and within 4-5 days I felt like a normal person again! So, it is true, we are all different and I am just one of the lucky people who found the right mix!

@Freedompath Good for you! We are the lucky ones.


Thanks. Sad but true for too many of us. And too often.

"It’s amazing how much “mature wisdom” resembles being too tired."
Robert Heinlein.


Hmmm...where would you like that energy to ''land?"

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