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Okay, so how about we have a discussion/debate here?
Now, according to beliefs the Abrahamic God is;
a) Omnipotent ( All Powerful), BUT always wars, meaningless deaths of innocents and children in particular, diseases, that logically this God must have also created, to raving his/her/its most prized creation. Why is that?
b) Omnipresent ( Present Everywhere at exactly the same time) but is never/can never be seen. Surely simply being 100% visible to all would be the truly logical way to get your divinity across and way beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt, would it not?
c) Omnibenevolent ( kindly and caring towards all) yet allows uncountable sufferings to occur everywhere. Why I ask when they can be eradicated with a simply gesture?
and last but by no means least,
d) Omniscient ( knowing everything without exception), knows what WILL be/happen BEFORE it even occurs. Yet does NOT intervene in the least, WHY?
Surely there a at least a few 'closet' Christians, etc, amongst us who can attempt to answer these very basic questions.

Triphid 9 Dec 13

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It’s all bullshit. There’s nothing to debate… If somebody believes in God thy’re delusional and I’m not going to the debate them, if someone doesn’t believe in God we have no reason for debate, I don’t consider my position debatable.

But surely there must be a 'cloaked' Theist hiding somewhere amongst us?
That is why I posted the whole thing just as I did on an Atheist v. Theist site on FB that got me sentenced to 12 months in the FB Gulag last April.
Though it is heart-warming to see that the Atheist content here is so very strong.

@Triphid athiests don’t need content, atheisim is not a religion or somthing to believe in. It’s the absence of belief without evidence and an aknolegment that we have an overwhelming amount of things scientifically explainable that were once credited to a God.

@ArdentAtheist By 'content' I actually meant it as being the akin to the overall amount, NOT in the sense you seem to be ascribing to my usage.

@Triphid Irrelevant, Myrh is not reality... It makes zero difference what religion we’re talking about, they are all false. An honest and realistic view of the world rooted in reality should not be something debatable... Try not to take this personally but I see religion as evidence that we are not an advanced species. I don’t take faith or how you feel as evidence of a God, Not a single one of the 10,000 or so Gods that humanity has worshiped over the eons. We now know why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west… We now understand the movements of the stars. Religion is a tool to create wealth for powerful people at the expense of the ignorant… And every single one of those ignorant religious people can make a decision to stop being ignorant anytime they want.

@ArdentAtheist Please try and tell me something I don't already know quite well.
Btw, I think you'll find, with a little extra research that is, that humankind has had well in excess of 300,000+ Gods. Goddesses, etc, in their pantheons over the last 60,000+ years, the Hindus alone have over 3,000 deities in their pantheon in case you were unaware.


Sorry... Can't debate you on that far as a discussion....yah you're right it doesn't make sense and when it was all made up it wasn't very well thought out

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