21 6

What three things do you like about yourself?

I'll start, my sense of humour, my intellect and my moral compass 🙂

ipdg77 8 Dec 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Intelligence, sense of humor and ebullience.

High energy, compassion and empathy.

That's 6

So in reference to another post regarding what women should do to improve themselves....learn to count! lol Just pulling your leg 🙂


humor, hardworking honesty


I have compassion, am fiercely loyal (to a fault) and a sense of humor. Bonus quality..........I despise Trump! ?

Good for you on all four counts 🙂


There are more then three (things) I am happy about myself.

1: My adherence to recognizing and making decisions based on testable reality and subsequent profound disregard for faith (belief without evidence) based assertions.

2: My ability to design, maintain and build (including self directed learning) projects that enrich my understanding of the mechanical and underlying physical properties that sustain our design, engineering, and technology.

3: My ability to make the lives of others emotionally and intellectually richer.


Sense of humor, intelligence and integrity.


My strong will, capacity for understanding, and compassion.


I like your three things. Mine are, my creativity, my compassion, and my integrity.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 14, 2018

Integrity, Loyalty, and Compassion.

JimG Level 8 Dec 14, 2018

My weight, my height, and my width.


I'm a good friend. I have a good sense of humor. I generally like people.


Loyalty, trustworthiness, & if its purple, it belongs to me.

Better send you my t-shirt then 🙂

@ipdg77 Got my own recently.

@Lilac-Jade Phew! 🙂

@ipdg77 You lucked out there....hahahaha......

@Lilac-Jade I love purple too! Some people say I have too much of it. LOL

@Aushra Never too much!!! My walker is even purple!


Self reliance, imagination, and spray paint. ( sorry Lilac, what I own is olive green.)


I have exquisite taste in music, beer and companions.


I like the cut of your jib! Much the same qualities I believe I have.

Nicely done 🙂


I tell the truth, I live by my principles, and make a good, loyal friend.


My sense of humor, my compassion, and my loyalty.


I'm honest, clean, and a good friend.


I had a moral GPS once... I followed it until Betsy (the voice) told me to 'Turn left now.' It happened to be the side of a mountain. After that, I tend to rely on instinct. 🙂


Knowlege of physics and science makes me dislike religions....

So knowledge of science/religion is one, dislike of religion is two....what's the third?


I can make anyone laugh. I try to be kind (not always possible, though!) I have excellent DIY/mechanical ability, can trust myself to solve problems


I'm intelligent, kind, and have a good sense of humor. However, I also often am lazy and have trouble postponing gratification with some things.

You don't have to mention the bad stuff 🙂

@ipdg77 Maybe I need to try to be more comfortable with simply speaking well of myself. I guess it's part of some self-esteem issues I have. Thanks for the input though.

@MST3K I get that but this was just a bit of fun, thx for joining in though 🙂

@ipdg77 Yes. I need to work on being less reluctant to toot my own horn 🙂

@ipdg77 In that spirit, I also can say I have good taste in music, and I make a point to be there for my friends and family when they need me 🙂

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