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As an atheistic, moral patriot, I am filled with anger and fear by the coalition of evangelical Christians, white supremacists, and the extreme political right to enact much of their religious dogma into law. This comingling of religion and politics is evil and debases both religion and politics. It is the first step toward religiously based tyranny.

That is why we MUST feel anger and righteous indignation and ACT. We cannot let them rob us of our democracy and civil rights! We must fight the abominable movement within the judicial system and in the court of public opinion! And, we must do it without attacking the constitutional provision for freedom of religion. Indeed, we must reaffirm that position, but also point out that IF the provision for religious freedom is to mean anything, it MUST also include FREEDOM FROM RELIGION. In other words, we must constantly affirm that we have the inalienable right to choose to reject all religions.

Let us clearly, loudly, and constantly assert this principle in the courts, and pass the thought on and on and on until it becomes widely accepted.!

wordywalt 9 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Unfortunately, mankind has not evolved to the degree that recognizes that religion is a business and !@#$% and that science provides a true meaning of life itself. At present we are allowing a minority to address our life's in an negative manner. The only way to correct this is to elect individuals who think and perform in a manner consistent with our thinking. We by not working the system effectively have allowed this idiot to represent us and go about destroying the USA and the planet. I just hope we have learned our lesson and will work for a more progressive legislature this next election.


I'm not a big fan of the word "evil" but I agree that the co-mingling of religious dogma with law being forced down the throat of all Americans. Separation of church and state should not be a theory. If you don't like something because your religion says you should not like it, then don't like it and don't do it. But don't make me a captive of your religious beliefs. I too am indignant and angry about the quasi religious and the pseudo religious pandering to the fanatically religious for votes.


Some people think that characterizing the Orange Nazi movement as a fascist movement, is just mocking DEPLORABLES because we disagree with their politics. The truth is that concentration camps are indicative of a advanced and well functioning Nazi movement. We are in its infancy and many people want to ignore all the symptoms that we are repeating from past history. Hatred of LGBT people, hatred of minorities, hatred of the press, extreme nationalism and religiosity in gov, a persecution complex shown by the Orange Nazi, and isolationism, are all indicators of a Nazi regime.

I agree. This is the start or infancy, in your words and to many generally good people are ignoring what’s going on. Either because something doesn’t directly affect them or they don’t think it will impact them. I can see what is happening with trump constantly bashing evidence based news, people are trusting mainstream news less and will start believing the fake news.

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