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Why the oppressed buy into the oppressive narrative?

Hope4Zoe 6 Oct 28

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Christianity is literally the oppression narrative idolized into a mythology. A funny example: why don't deer go into delta formation and charge down the wolves? People are domesticated to behave a certain way, that dominant members of the group can control. its pretty standard for mammals. I think people are very reactive and do very little planning for larger efforts, so its natural to go for convenience like being someones farm animal in walmart.

argo Level 4 Nov 3, 2017

If you have money and power, you can make it sound like they are lucky to have their jobs. Perhaps those with not so much education and little self worth are more likely to buy into the oppressive narrative.


It's all about money and propaganda. Most people accept what they are offered and the U.S. is one of the most propagandized country in the world. It's been going on so long most people accept it as normal and the 'truth'.


Which oppressed and which narrative? Your statement is too vague to respond to.

Let's stick to the working class. The underemployed, The Walmart employees. Why do people accept low wages and no benefits when they have the power to organize and strike and ask for fair wages. Why must a corp like Walmart "hide" its money offshore so it won't pay taxes but exploit its workers and think that's fair. I hope that's less vague.


Not sure exactly what you are asking? I'd like to address it, but explain what you see as the narrative.

I'm new here so I'm not sure how this works? Can you see my response to others?

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