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Did anyone notice that ICE is writing numbers on children's forearms just like when the Nazis did their tattoos on the Jewish?

Our_existence 9 Dec 16

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How is this wrong for those who want to be here and free?


I am sure the below is not complete.

Info required at check-in at hospital:
social security number
house address
phone number
medicare number
medical insurance number
hospital id number

Other numbers
Internet Protocol addresses
license number
car license number
phone numbers
device numbers
employee IDs
american express
ATM card
Bank account number
Routing number
check number
Utilities account numbers

coffee shops
hardware stores
grocery stores
beer store
clothes store

PO box address
phones / fax
device numbers

ATM cards
Bank account numbers
Routing numbers



There is a recent issue of the Smithsonian about a Polish girl and her recently discovered diary and poems. She had a boy friend who was not Jewish but was sent to a concentration camp. Many non-Jewish were imprisoned. This particular person also had a tattoo on his wrist.


Even though these men were gay and wore pink triangles they were tatooed. Children kept alive for scientific experimentation were tatooed. What The US has suggested Mexico to do is reprehensible! Whose idea was it? They should be tarred and feathered for treating children like cattle! Sharing this post with Jewish by Culture to see if they agree with me.


I go to the DMV, i take a number, they call my number, i go talk to them.

Everyone who is posting is pissed, but NOT one practical solution to helping NOW.

This sadly revives a cultural memory. But this is good for the children. This helps now.

How about alternatives instead of spewing about what should be done.

What are you going to do in the morning to help these people through the system?

How are you going to track them so you can provide help?

Where can you find the hundreds of workers, including interpreters, tomorrow?

Being pissed about this does nothing to solve the problem.


IMO the Trump Administration has been borrowing many practices from the NAZI playbook.


Yes, I did notice that. I have no words to describe how it made me feel.


Sad. But way practical: the number can be used to quickly learn about the person, who probably does not speak english.

How would you do it?

I would start by not separating children from their parents and by giving asylum seekers the opportunity to make their petitions, as required by law.

@pashaonenine I agree. But that does not solve the problem of tracking and connecting the people to their information which is in a database.

I have a SSN, a driver's licence number, a medicare number,.....

Give them an ID card? OK. And then it gets lost and they need to know the number,.......

This is not easy.

@pashaonenine Or we could actually help fix their country so that wouldn’t need to come here in the first place.
You know that whole complicated cause and effect thing that use to teach us about in school.

@48thRonin Absolutely. Sadly, we continue to demonstrate shortsightedness and lack of political will to do the right things, the hard things that take time. Until we grow the hell up and let go these fantasies about America being the best, we will continue to create these injustices all over the world.

Hmmmmm.... Sad but "efficient"? We really can't find anyone who speaks languages spoken in Central America here in the States? How would we go about solving the problems that were caused by our dehumanizing these kids, by efficiently dehumanizing them? Hmmmmm. The sense of irony is lost on us all.

You say that we have driver's license number, SSN, etc... Why don't we have ONE central identification number and have them tattooed on our bodies? So much more efficient that way. It's not easy running a democratic government, and it's not supposed to be.

@48thRonin Really! Meanwhile?

@48thRonin, @KenChang . . .the crisis requires hundreds of people now. Had the children who cannot be found been "labeled" not so many would be lost now.

They have no papers. Many are children. They need help. This is help.

Everybody has a solution that does nothing now.

@Jacar This is "help"? Words are important. There is a difference between mitigation of damages and actual help. If I punch someone, and that someone is lying on the floor bleeding from his nose, and I "help" him up, that really isn't help. Even if it is the most efficient way to fix the problem that we caused, we should not make apolgetics by calling it "help." We can do this with due sense of shame and we should NEVER forget the due sense of shame, and that might be the only thing that separates us from other animals.

According to Mark Twain, "man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to." We need not be afriad to blush. Because we really need to. Blush.

@KenChang . . children were lost because they cannot be identified.
This helps now. This does not mean i like it. But, no one else is exploring any alternatives that will help them not be lost. No papers equals non-existence.

Any other identification can be lost: cards, dog-tags, bracelets,...

@Jacar Really? Can be lost? Seriously? Those writing can be erased and smudged. Do you know how hospitals identify patients? Yes. Bracelets. Do you know why? They are unambiguous, can be made to be tagged via scan, AND cannot easily be lost. But these are costly to make.

This writing on their hands is just the cheapest way of doing things. Are you really making these apologetics again and again? Tell me why?

Even assuming that you are entirely correct, you are not disputing that we should feel ashamed about the fact that we were the cause of their INITIAL separation, am I right? If so, why does it bother you that people are angry? I AM suggesting that we treat them at least as well as we treat patients then, if we are actually trying to help. What is your counter argument to that? You cannot simply say that the writing is the BEST way to make identification, because IT IS NOT. Otherwise our hospitals will be doing it. They don't because it is inhuman AND asinine way of doing it.

@Jacar Actually meanwhile what!? And really people need to wake up to the fact that while it feels good to rescue these poor souls from their plight but just why is it our responsibility to take them in?

Because we’re “!AMERICA!? “ that’s bullshit and people need to grow and acknowledge it.
Up until 2016 we allowed illegal immigrants in because we needed the cheap labor but we also wanted to earn humanitarian award points.

All awhile we had African Americans getting locked and shot up, we had the greatest influx in heroine and meth in our country’s history and get this shit while we were disrupting the leaderships of Central American countries that were looking to side with the B.R.I.C.S. Coalition.

So ta da we made this shit. But wait now we’re not wanting to take these poor bastards in because of our guilt and lawncare needs. No it’s because we want to spite that stupid fuck that shouldn’t have been convinced to run in the first place.
And anyone seriously prove to me that I’m wrong because y’all aren’t going to take them into your homes and just I said to someone earlier who said that my views made her sad

Don’t be sad. Go to a bario and do something to help these people or contribute to their legal expenses.
And now what I should of said is “ that in hindsight you liberals are just like conservatives when it comes to abortion, you want to them to be here so fucking bad once they’re you could give two shits.”

And trust me I know that I’d be able to thaw a whole cow in Siberia before I’d get one of you to admit to it but it still doesn’t change that it’s true.

So yeah jacar really? Really there’s an elephant in the room so someone needs to a fucking shovel.

@48thRonin You are confusing individual actions v. social policies. The immigrants don't need you to "take them into your home." They will be able to make a living fine. We don't need to go to the barrios to be upset about the fucking inhuman policies. It is absolutely ok to be sad. Nay, we have moral obligation to be sad.

This isn't about liberal v. conservative. I have no need to spite drumpf.

We have moral obligations to treat them as humans under any circumstances. It is our responsibility because our foreign policies and our economic imperialism is largely responsible for their poverty and misery. It is our moral responsibility because they are knocking on our doors.

I don't know about you, but I do give a shit once they are here. I give a shit when they are not here. You can give a shit without dedicating your whole life to it. It's ok to be angry about injustice. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, these anger will transform you and those around you.

@KenChang Ok dude. What did you do for the citizens in flint, the protesters at the Dakota pipeline and the victims of natural disasters across this country.
I’ve given time and money for all the above.

And you??

@48thRonin You are wonderful for having done all that. You need to however step off the soapbox and let others do their share. I have given my money and time for some of those. What makes you think I haven't?

And the very fact that you have done these things do not make all of your view points right. So really. Do kindly step off the soapbox and listen for a change. Does wonders for narcissism, listening that is.

@48thRonin What is sad is that you could be an awesome comrade, but you are too misanthropic. 🙂 We don't make lasting changes on our own.

@KenChang It’s ironic that you’re using soapbox because that’s how I feel about people in regards to these immigrants.
Which is why I brought up that we had Americans in need of this same passion and action but due to the lack of political fodder they barely mattered nor did they get their situations resolved.

And in typical 21st century passive aggressive behavior you’ve attempted to insult me and shame me ???? Bravo ol boy but I’m not like these other children not at all. Oh and the Russian bear that’s for gypsy who lost a debate so I automatically became a Russian troll and because I enjoy taunting his insanity well what I can I say. ?

@48thRonin I was sincere in saying that you could have been a good comrade. I wasn't calling you a Russian troll. I value the ability to be a good comrade. But whatever. You don't seem to realize that saying "I've done this much what have you done" is actually your move. And that is exactly a tactic to insult by shaming. 🙂

Again, no matter. You might be an interesting person to go have a drink and talk/argue/debate with. Unfortunately, this is a poor forum.

@KenChang And you’re wrong I do care deeply about other humans but I resent politicizing the plight of others

And while I’m glad that you spoke for yourself while attempting to speak for the rest of the nation it’s still bull shit and I’ll say it again where were y’all when Clinton, bush and Obama were locking these people and their children up and deporting them!?

Every time he takes a stance on something the msm fans the flames and all of sudden it’s on.
Just wished that they’d fanned those flames when started bombing and committing drone strikes against the citizens of Yemen in support of Saudi Arabia’s/Israel’s mission to eliminate all Shia Muslims from power and to install Wahhabism throughout the Middle East.

No seriously why did it take a reporter/spy to be murdered in Turkey to prompt this sudden awareness and action from the American people??
Oh yeah when trump said that he wasn’t going to punish the Saudi regime.

Say what you want and add as much softener to as you wish or whatever deflective measures you choose the evidence is there and I’m standing by it.
But it’s your time and life to waste on attempting to convince me that I’m wrong so goodnight ✌?

@48thRonin You are right. In some aspects. You are wrong in others. Just like the rest of us. Good night. I am not trying to convince you of anything. I am just telling you what I believe is right, and wrong. I don't need you to be convinced. That's not going to happen. How can anyone pour you tea when your cup is already full. 🙂


I'm sure someone, somewhere, has maliciously suggested gassing the immigrants ...

There is a difference between immigrants and ethnic groups of people who are living in their own countries and have been rounded up. Also, this was a clear case of genocide and it as an attempt to eradicate all people of a specific tribe. What we are doing to people who try to come here from many different countries is also shameful and needs to be condemned loudly. But it has not reached the point of killing innocent people. Yes stupid people say all kinds of stupid things (like executing those who try to come here) but that doesn't make it policy.

@JackPedigo I am well aware of the differences here. But from some of the random comments I've heard regarding the handling of the immigrant "invasion", eliminating them would fit right in...

@evergreen Again, only radical comments and not policy. If it were to become so there would be such an outpouring of anger the perpetrators and their advocates would have a difficult time finding a place to hide. Many military personnel are loath on going after their own or things they feel morally reprehensible.


The camps where the children are kept meet the internationally accepted legal definition of "concentration camp" already.

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