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I really must go...

GeorgeRocheleau 8 Dec 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I just posted this, lol! Great (sick) minds. lol ♥


Missery was such a good creepy movie.


Scary Movie.


I love it! lol


It's kind of hard to go when both feet get smashed....or do I remember correctly?

I think she hobbled him, so ankles. Ouch!

@BeeHappy I watched it a long time ago, don't remember all details.... I think I remember the ouch part though ????

@IamNobody Yep, that's the part most of us remember. Lol

@BeeHappy I would say Kathy played a hell of a part. She was very convincing

@IamNobody I agree.

I still cringe remembering that scene.

she broke both of his ankles at once by placing a 2X4 wedge between his ankles and struck one side with a sledge hammer. The physics of it was sound. She was a nurse afterall.

@Lukian yeah...yikes...thanks for the memories ??????

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