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I'm not too familiar with this group of individuals called the "Illuminati", I'm asking because I know a few people who insist the "Illuminati" is real and in charge of our planet as we speak. A co-worker of mine suggested that I watch a documentary called Above Majestic. Anyway I was wondering if anyone has heard of or seen this documentary called Above Majestic and what is your opinion if any on the Illuminati as well as your thoughts on the documentary if you've seen it of course? Check out above majestic and let us know what you think of it.

MikMor7one4 3 Dec 17

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I thought Robert Anton Wilson created the Illuminati an it was an ideal... satirical at best. I guess there is more to it that I just never paid attention to.


The original Illuminati is long gone. However, their goals and desires for this world have found their way into other secret societies over the years. Now, Illuminati is nothing more than a distraction, Majestic 12 is the real concern...


The membership of the international oligarchy is only loosely tied together where their business interests intersect. They are are just rich assholes pulling whatever levers they think will make them richer. They are a crafty, self-interested, craven lot, smart but not really wise enough to be called illuminated.


I can't say they exist or not, but it's pretty obvious there is a banking cartel that controls a lot of the world economics. There are 20 odd banks, that control most lending to 180ish major world corporations, that loby and influence the major governments of the world, and thus world economics and politics. That isn't a wild delusion, that is fact. Money is power and power corrupts.

@jondspen You're exactly right!


The Earth is being observed.

There are some things going on NOW that can't be talked about. Illuminati or not, we're up against some really bad mother f××kers...

Majestic 12...


If your going to believe in wild delusions with no real actual evidence, why not just believe in a God? People will be less likely to treat you as an idiot and it's no less proven than the illuminati.



I know Mr Brown likes them a lot

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