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Saw this on FB. Very appropriate.

Spinliesel 9 Feb 15

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Wow, thats really good!


If we keep doing the same things over and over, we'll keep getting the same results. This applies to all sides of the argument! Guess what? We got yet another school shooting and the rhetoric from all mouths is the same as it's been in the past. And then Trump has to chime in with his geniusness. We're doomed!


Make guns free. Charge $5000 for a bullet.

I can make them for pennies, from scrap.

@jayneonacobb encrypt device into bullet to mate it with the gun. If counterfeit bullet is loaded and fired...explosive imbedded in gun kills illegal user...removing said-threat.

@Jack-of-scythes i have a degree in this. Its what i do. Your argument is gibberish. That's not near accurate terminology.

@jayneonacobb I'm a technical writer. Are we now going to whip out our degrees and accomplishments?

@Jack-of-scythes your career has nothing to do with this debate. My degree, however, makes me an expert on guns and gun law, catagoricaly. Would you argue with an oncologist about how to treat your cancer because you're a technical writer? No, because you know dick about oncology.


I will believe it when I see it... Unfortunately even when these same congress people are attacked they do nothing. We cannot expect them to protect the larger 'us' when they won't even act protect themselves.

Wasn’t that something? …gunned down during their baseball practice, yet not an iota of change in gun hoarding legislation.. I remember when the Sandy Hook Slaughter took place … when everyone assumed, now the children of the wealthy are the victims - something will be done! Well, apparently they weren’t as wealthy as the notorious Koch Brothers & Friends


Yah, and a lot of good all those ‘prayers’ have done…

Varn Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

I had always believed in the melting of all weapons... Fuck the collectors... they can collect plastic toys. That include the ones in my house. Before anybody ask any questions... they are not mine, they are my son's. He is an adult. A responsible adult. But doesn't meant when he is not home I use a lighter on them .


We discuss gun laws of the USA a lot in the UK, mostly of the "Why don't they... etc etc" type , meaning that it is thought that we in the UK could tell you in America what you should do.

My analysis would start with the statement that ' Guns are the one device that when you have one, you (often erroneously) feel that you do not have to do what someone else says'. Its ultimately a 'Do as I say or this argument ends here', weapon .It requires no preparation other than engage the trigger and this, in the extreme, means that no thinking about things for too long is required either.

We have to acknowledge that the human race does NOT like being told what to do. That is another way of saying we like freedom. OK so sometimes, for reason of law or patriotism or expedience we do do as we are told but that does not squash the resentment for paying taxes or doing punishment for not doing homework, or the feeling when you are expelled from college without the ability to reason your way bak in. The wild west and your history establish all the ways of getting your own way in the world. You do not have to be controlled by history.

The gun lobby is viewed as the means of ensuring that you citizens of the USA will not be told what to do by the government so they in the extremes of circumstances, can go on not doing what the criminal or the taxman, or mom is telling you what to do. Hence a stalemate arises and the search is on to break it. It is obvious to me that the break will not come from anyone being told what to do .

You are so busy protecting this stalemate that you are forced into ignoring the fact that the answer must come through logic and reason. I do not know how yet - I shouldn't comment but if you need to fight fire with fire, meaning that you will not have to give up guns then it is reasonable to think that massively increasing the number of controlled areas with check in and checkout check points - controlled that is by trained police officers would be part of the solution.
Is it reasonable to assume that everyone will eventually have to be monitored all the time to control all our movements. To have the important freedoms of going on living it is reasonable that you need to give up others.

What I am really arguing for is the application of more science to crowd and individual control. Split the problem up into lots and lots of small control problem. Find the solution to each of them , slowly at a rate you can afford. Anyone who likes shooting for recreation or food should be able to shoot in an area where the guns do NOT go home with the shooter and become uncontrolled. Yes it would need Fort Knox to protect the guns whilst their owner is absent.

Break the problem down. Use the power of science, NOT the power of " I do not want to do what you say, 'cause I have a gun".

Go tell that to the queen. I doubt you'd get to the gate without an army behind you. That, sir, is why I am an American, and not a subject of the crown.

The gun situation here is insane and getting worse. I lived in Germany 15 years and even though they have a hunting and gun culture weapons are strictly controlled. Hunters must belong to a club and leave their weapons at the club. Collectors can have guns but no ammo. Germans have the liberty of driving fast on the autobahns that is their priority. No one has the gun violence rate as here, not even close. The biggest thing is that our Constitution does not specifically say people have an inalienable right to have guns ("well regulated militia" ). and it certainly doesn't give the industry the right to stop gun violence research by our nations health institutions.

Look at Canada; they became independent and didn't have to go to war to get it (big deal they honor the queen). They are also a lot more civilized than we. I wonder how big an army one would have to have to get anywhere close to our nutball Fuhrer.

I very much appreciate the view and comments from those outside ‘this nation,’ and have responded here to yours…

Most, if not all of ‘our tragedies’ have been very premeditated. It’s appeared very few of the perpetrators have armed themselves for theoretical or constitutional reasons, but more as an attempt to feel powerful; very much as a narcissist might enjoy a military parade...

Though ‘freedom,’ and ‘the right to bear arms’ have been the legal or quasi-intellectual reason given for possessing guns here in the USA … there’s a far less principled segment of society that’s responsible for the main proliferation. Their motivation is fear based, and, the fact ‘guns give them a power’ they lack in other realms..

Our ignorant have been harvested by organized industrial wealth (think Koch Bros) and coerced to vote for politicians who’ll further their power & wealth. The catch words of God - Guns & Gays have remained major motivators to harvest the votes of our ignorant. With that, perhaps the real blame lies with ‘the rest of us’ (excluding myself), who’ve failed to counter this strategy by simply voting…

I don’t see constant surveillance happening, that would too easily be framed as yet another ‘threat to their freedom.’ Our schools have already begun to resemble minimum security prisons … and with the proliferation of “concealed-carry laws,” allowing our craziest of gun zealot's to be armed at all times - without us knowing, they’d kill/ die before surrendering ‘their piece’ at any checkpoint..

When I recently heard/ read/ learned that the #1 reason given for ‘having guns’ by most US gun owners was “to defend themselves against zombies” … that left me ..cold. Then there’re those looking “to defend themselves against the government” … that ‘government’ being, us, and the laws we enact for the safety of all. So, we’re basically describing the insane, and there are millions of them..

Time’s not working, it’s only created a ‘who can score the next highest death count’ mentality…

[ Just had to retract this entire piece due to our lack of a post-preview -- for which some of my punctuation below apparenly triggered seveal fuckin smirking smily faces - I’ll attempt to remove and repost ]

Bottomline, there needs to be a ban and (due to the atrocious accumulation in recent years - cuz Obama was gonna take em) confiscation of Military Assault Weapons (a technology never conceived by our Founding Fathers) - Period

@JackPedigo militia is an armed citizenry. The citizens are regulated by the government. The government is regulated by the bill of rights. The bill of rights says "arms" which means weapons and armaments of all types. The whole purpose of the second amendment is to fight a tyrannical government. Therefore I have a right as a person eligeabl for the draft, a member of the militia by law, must have access to modern weapons.

@jayneonacobb how is that fighting a tyrannical government thing working out for you?

There has not been a single successful revolt in America since 1776 and that one only was successful because an outside army helped out.

We have had so many local, city, state, and federal governments. Many beyond corrupt and some outright genocidal. Can you name even one time civilians with guns were able to stop government corruption? What exactly do you think is going to happen? Someone just goes on tv and says the government is corrupt and a bunch of people just show up to the white house and take over?

You want to fight corruption? Vote, sue, write letters, support groups that protect our rights like the aclu and news services. Your fantasy about arresting the governor with your shotgun aren't helping anyone.


"now is not the time to discuss gun control". "if everyone was armed it would have ended better". "Never happened, plot by globalists". "He visited a mosque once, we need better border security". "mental illness"."thoughts and prayers"

The lines are getting old.


Thank you!


That tells it all.

Betty Level 8 Feb 15, 2018
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