4 9

"Trump is a dumb man's idea of a smart man, a poor man's idea of a rich man, and a weak man's idea of a strong man."
Don't know who said this, but he or she really nailed it!

jerry99 8 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Seems to be the case.


My ex husband who is not ignorant is a Trumpster. He was brainwashed by Fox News. Dan has 2 family members he doesn't talk to anymore for the same reason. It has split families apart. Very sad.

Unfortunately, I have a sister that supports Trump. She's willing to overlook all of the damage Trump causes because Trump is willing to support Christian objectives. How, hypocritical of her. I can't talk to her about politics because we always get into super heated arguments.


Love it, and oh-so-sadly true.


Summed up in one word: Ignoranus

Is that a Freudian typo?

@jerry99 Nope, someone who is an idiot and an ass hole

Nice portmanteau!

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