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I'd like to break the mould, as it were, by suggesting a couple of good things about Donald Trump. This is not a popular thing to do, I know. I hasten to add that I'm not pro-Trump, but I don't think everything is ever only either black or white.

Trump was right about the international trade agreements that the U.S. signed up to in the last, say, 30 years: they were structured so that factories in the U.S. could be relocated to low-wage countries, leading to unemployment, under-employment, and low-wage employment among the unskilled U.S. workforce. It was these trade agreements that were the main cause of the loss of hope and the anger among almost half the voting population in 2016. The trade agreements also had special clauses, called investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) clauses. These clauses prohibited any nation state that was a party to the agreement to legally challenge any part of the agreement. So, the trade deals were immune, even when they turned out to be harmful to significant section of a nation's population - as was the case in the U.S. So, when Trump claimed that these trade deals were 'bad for America' he was right: they were bad for a significant section of his constituency - the 'forgotten people', or Hillary Clinton's 'basked of the deplorables'.

Just as an aside, the international trade deals reflected the value system of neoliberalism: that national governments and nation states should be subsumed under the impersonal rule of corporate interests - even when these governments are democratically elected and attempt to represent and protect vulnerable sections of their own citizens. What is good about Trump is that he is not 'ideological'; he is not a neoliberal; and the neoliberal-dominated Washington Consensus, military-industrial complex, and mainstream media hate him because of his heterodox economic views. When we read and watch Trump being excoriated in the mainstream media, remember who is doing the criticism: the neoliberals - which include the dominant wings of both the Republican and the Democratic Parties. It doesn't mean that we, the public, must wholeheartedly agree with them. The U.S. polity is a three-way contest between the Trumpites, the neoliberals, and us the true liberals and progressives.

For those unfamiliar with the term 'neoliberalism', here are a couple of references:

"No deal capitalism: austerity and the unmaking of the North American middle class"; article by Eric Pineault; chapter 4 in, "Austerity: The Lived Experience", edited by Bryan M. Evans and Stephen McBride (University of Toronto Press, 2017) - ISBN 978-1-4875-2203-2 (paperback).

"Internalizing neoliberalism and austerity"; article by Stephen McBride and Sorin Mitrea; and "Austerity and outsourcing in Britain's new corporate state"; article by Stephen Wilks; chapters 5 and 13, respectively, in, "The Austerity State", edited by Stephen McBride and Bryan Evans (University of Toronto Press, 2017) - ISBN 978-1-4875-2195-0 (paperback).

"The New Way of the World: On Neoliberal Society", by Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval (Verso, 2013) - ISBN-13: 978-1-78168-176-3 (hardback). - I'd recommend chapters 1, 8, and 9 in particular.

GunnarSivert 3 Dec 19

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If Trump wanted to help Make America Great Again, he would reduce all tariffs to zero. Tariffs are taxes on us. We are penalized. They may help specific industries temporarily, but they hurt the economy as a whole.

Here is a link, with an excerpt from Henry Hazlett's must read book on economics, "Economics in One Lesson", which I encourage anyone interested in economics to read, that explains the effects of tariffs on an economy: []


Trump's ONLY motivation has always been greed and his own personal gain. He couldn't give a rat's ass about the "forgotten people."


Your opinion is noted.


Show me anything that says that half the voting population was upset because of the trade agreements. As for your ISDS clauses, you mean like the ones that allow companies to avoid Trump's tariffs or the large companies that get to veto their tariffs? For just a regular progressive you like to overlook the fact that the art of the deal writer is clueless

lerlo Level 8 Dec 19, 2018

neoliberalism is a good buggaboo for pretty much anything, isn't it? meanwhile, trump doesn't understand trade agreements; he just repeats shit he hears on fox. even a broken clock etc. etc., but he still doesn't get it. nor does he care, except to the extent that he will happily destroy america because that is professor putin's assignment. to that extent trump IS ideological. it just doesn't happen to be his own ideology. in addition, it is one thing not to be ideological and another to have a head completely empty of ideas at all and a heart (if any) completely empty of ethics. by the way, hillary was not referring to the working class when she said "basket of deplorables." she was referring to the kind of people who wear t-shirts saying "trump can grab my pussy any time" and go out and beat up "fags" for fun.


@OwlInASack oh make mine a nice fizzy club soda! but you're right, even if your jersey locale were NEW jersey it'd be a hell of a commute for me 🙂)


@OwlInASack diabetes. can't drink. never liked drinking much anyway except icky sweet drinks like kahlua cream. so... club soda! but talking to nice people makes the world a better place 🙂)


@OwlInASack 'perk i can eat camembert!


@OwlInASack not i, as i never liked win much, but give up ANY kind of cheese? i just couldn't do it!


@OwlInASack i just plain do not appreciate wine, ESPECIALLY good wine, as i prefer sweet wine (and meat, but not so much when speaking of dessert!) but i can't have it anyway so it's moot. i did enjoy ONE particular bottle (not the WHOLE bottle) of blue nun once. i wish i knew what year it was. other such bottles were eh, but that one bottle was really tasty. that was a long, long time ago. again, moot for me oh, the cheddar, i am jealous!


@OwlInASack i have been a cheese fan for my whole adult life. now that i know i have diabetes, cheese is also a lifesaver, since it has virtually no carbs. i don't know if you've been to america and/or had kraft cheese food products but they are not cheese. they are anti-cheese. i like REAL cheese, soft, hard, mild, sharp, as long as it's real! i especially love havarti, gjetost, fontina and... well, everything else lol


@OwlInASack yeah not all americans are ignorant though lol those of us who know better eat REAL cheese! boy oh boy did i have a good time when i encountered a supermarket in france. the selection, omg! you can just LIVE on bread and cheese!


@OwlInASack one year i went back to the usa from japan, where i then lived, to visit. it was new year's eve, i was staying with friends, and they went out. i went... to a supermarket. i had forgotten how big a supermarket was, how much variety there was in the produce department! i stayed for HOURS, just gawking!



Ohferpetessake...your ASSumptions about his pretty recent actions will require a decade or more to see true results!

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